Growth & Development
Professional Role
Health Promotion
They are people pleasers. They need a balance of limits and independence.
What are preschoolers.
Negligence or misconduct by a professional person
What is malpractice.
Thinking typical of older preschool age and young school age children, in which children believe that they have caused an event such as a siblings illness or that a situation, such as hospitalization is a from of punishment.
What is magical thinking.
Cardiac monitoring. Symptom relief-skin discomfort, mouth care. High doses of aspirin. Strawberry tongue. Peeling skin on toes and fingers.
What is Kawasaki Disease.
For infants use a medicine dropper, bulb with a soft tip, bulb syringe, or a soft bottle nipple. For older children, progress diet from clear liquids. AVOID straws or sharp objects.
What is used for feeding a child during the post- op period following cleft palate surgery.

The LPN should expect a 3 year old to be able to perform the following task: A) roller skate B) tie shoe laces C) ride a tricycle D) jumo rope

What is ride a tricycle.

Which of the following is most likely to encourage parents to talk about their feelings related to their child's illness? A. Be sympathetic. B. Ask direct questions. C. Use open-ended questions. D. Avoid periods of silence.
What is use open ended questions.
Which of the following approaches is the most appropriate when performing a physical assessment on a toddler? A. Demonstrate use of equipment. B. Perform traumatic procedures first. C. Use minimum physical contact initially. D. Always proceed in a head-to-toe direction.
What is use minimum physical contact initially.
Kimberly is having a checkup before starting kindergarten. The nurse asks her to do the "finger-to-nose test." The nurse is testing for which of the following? A. Deep tendon reflexes B. Cerebellar function C. Sensory discrimination D. Ability to follow directions
What is cerebellar function.
Keona has type 1 DM and takes NPH and regular insulin in the morning. What must be included in Keona's daily plan of care related to these medications? A) Check glucose level before going to sleep. B) Use lotion on the child's dry skin at the injection sites. C) Test the child's hgb A1c. D) Assure that the child eats a snack with carbs in the mid-afternoon.
What is assure that the child eats a snack with carbs in the mid-afternoon.

Which of the following criteria is used in assessing readiness for toilet training? A) the child should be at least 2 yrs old before toilet training B) the child can demonstrate an awareness that she is urinating and defecating C) the child should have a dry diaper through the night D) the child should have resolved her fears about what might happen when she flushes the toilet

What is B. The child can demonstrate an awareness that she is urinating and defecating.

The RN is caring for Betty a 15 year old in the end stages of cancer. Her renal system has shut down and the health care team discusses the use of dialysis. Betty's dad states that he wants everything done, but Betty begs to be left alone. She is aware that she will die without dialysis. An emergency meeting of the ethics committee is called. A) The RN should not be involved as she is too emotionally tied to Betty and her family. B) The RN should be involved and show empathy with Betty's father as he should be allowed to have as much time with his daughter as possible. C) The RN should involved and present Betty's story as she is almost an adult and should not be made to suffer. D) The RN should be involved and should present unbiased physical and psychosocial data.
What is the RN should be involved and should present unbiased physical and psychosocial data.
Sleep problems in the school-age child are often demonstrated by: A. Occurrence of night terrors that awaken child B. Delaying tactics because they do not wish to go to bed C. Development of somatic illness that awakens child D. Increasing need for sleep time compared with adolescents
What is delaying tactics because they do not wish to go to bed.
Which of the following describes the cognitive abilities of school-age children? A. Have developed the ability to reason abstractly B. Become capable of scientific reasoning and formal logic C. Progress from making judgments based on what they reason to making judgments based on what they see D. Have the ability to classify, to group and sort, and to hold a concept in their minds while making decisions based on that concept
What is have developed the ability to reason abstractly.
A proton pump inhibitor (PPI) is ordered for an infant with gastroesophageal reflux. The nurse should include in the drug teaching that: A. The drug should be given 30 minutes before bedtime. B. Three times a day dosing has maximum effect. C. The drug can be stopped once symptoms have resolved. D. Several days may pass before full effect is reached.
What is several days may pass before full effect is reached.
4 year old Juan is being admitted for a T&A. He is in Erickson's stage of:
What is Initiative vs Guilt
The RN is working at a safety event. One of the booths is handing out helmets to children and families who complete a brief survey. Only a few helmets are left and there are several families in line. Which of the following ethical prinicples addresses this ethical dilemma? A) Beneficence B) Autonomy C) Non-maleficence D) Justice
What is justice. Justice involves distributing resources in a fair manner.
The parents of a school age child with asthma express concern about letting the child participate in sports. What should the RN tell the parents about the relationship between exercise and asthma? A) Asthma attacks are triggered by allergens, not exercise. B) The child should avoid exercise because it may trigger asthma attacks. C) Continuous activities such as jogging are less likely to trigger asthma than intermittent activities. D) Using prophylactic bronchodialators before the activity can prevent asthma attacks and enable the child to engage in most sports.
What is using prophylactic bronchodialators before the activity can prevent asthma attacks and enable the child to engage in most sports.
The nurse is caring for a boy with probable intussusception. He had diarrhea before admission, but while waiting for a barium enema, he passes a normal brown stool. The most appropriate nursing action is which of the following? A. Notify physician. B. Measure abdominal girth. C. Auscultate for bowel sounds. D. Take vital signs, including blood pressure.
What is notify the physican. Passage of a normal brown stool indicates that the intussusception has reduced itself. This is immediately reported to the practitioner, who may choose to alter the diagnostic and therapeutic care plan.
You are the Rn performing discharge instructions with the parents of a child newly diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome. You evaluate that the mother understands proper dietary guidelines for her child by which of the following statements: A) "I will give him foods that are high calorie, low protein, and high iron." B) "I will give him foods that are high calorie, high protein, and low salt." C) "I will give him foods that are low calorie, low protein, and low salt." D) "I will give him foods that are low calorie, high protein, low potassium."
What is "I will give him foods that are high calorie, high protein, and low salt."
Which one of the following approaches would be best to use to ensure a receptive response from a toddler? A. Assume an eye-level position and talk quietly. B. Call the toddler's name while picking him or her up. C. Call the toddler's name and say, "I am your nurse." D. Stand by the toddler, addressing him or her by name.
What is assume eye level position and talk quietly.
Which of the following is true regarding cultural awareness? A) The RN's cultural background influences the manner in which care is delivered. B) The RN should rely on her own values and experiences to guide her when caring for a family from a different culture. C) It is most important for the family to adapt to the predominant culture within the hospital. D) It is easy for RNs to be non-judgemental when working with families of a different culture.
What is the RN's cultural background influences the manner in which care is delivered.
You are the RN caring for a 16 year old female with CF. Which of the following is true about the pathophysiology of this dsease? A) An autosomal dominant condition involving the reticuloendothelial system. B) A gluten induced enteropathy C) Increased mucous production of the endocrine glands. D) An autosomal recessive disease of the exocrine glands.
What is an autosomal recessive disease of the exocrine glands.
You are the community health RN performing well child assessments at the local health center. Mrs. Smith returns to the clinic to report a positive PPD result for her 15 month old son Roman. Which of the following statements is the most appropriate response to Mrs. Smith? A) "It is common to have a false positive result on the PPD test, so the first thing we should do is another PPD." B) "Roman has active TB. He needs to begin wearing a mask immediately." C) "Roman has active TB, but is likely not contagious. He should start antibiotics immediately." D) "Roman has been exposed to TB. He will need to get a chest x-ray as soon as possible to determine if his lungs show signs of the TB disease."
What is Roman has been exposed to TB. He will need to get a chest x-ray as soon as possible to determine if his lungs show signs of the TB disease.
A child who has been receiving morphine intravenously will now start receiving it orally. The nurse should anticipate that to achieve equianalgesia (equal analgesic effect), the oral dose will be which of the following? A. Same as the intravenous dose B. Greater than the intravenous dose C. One half of the intravenous dose D. One fourth of the intravenous dose
What is greater than the intravenous dose. The same dose given orally will provide less pain relief