At 2 months.
When does the grasping reflex and head lag fade?
Comforted, fed, stimulated, and cared for
inadequately or inconsistently or continuously before vocalized
What is Ericksons trust vs mistrust?
80 - 100
30 - 60
(Hint: newborn)
Normal HR for a newborn to 3 months
Normal RR for newborn to 1 year
Increased ICP
Bulging fontanels and scalp veins
Increase CSF d/t obstruction
What is hydrocephalus?
At 4 months.
When the child can…
Pick head up and look aroundPalmer grasp dominant
Grasp objects with both hands
When instilling an otic solution into a toddler’s ear, the nurse should pull the auricle...
What is DOWN and BACK.
Characteristics of Ericksons Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt?
Independent actions
Negativeism (saying no or don’t help)
Proving to self they can do things
Being a part of their care
Daily Double!
Causes for abnormal vital signs.Pain
Bismuth salicylate and aspirin
What medications should not be given when a child 15 or younger has a viral infection?
At 6 months.
(Hint: cheerios)
Double Jepardy!
Match the age with Erickson’s stages:
A. Birth to 1 year. 1. Initiative v Guilt
B. 1 to 3 years old. 2. Mistrust v Trust
C. 3 to 6ish years old. 3. Automomy v . Shame and Doubt
A. Birth to 1 year - 2. Mistrust v Trust
B. 1 to 2 years old - 3. Autonomy v ShameandDoubt
C. 3 to 6ish y.o. - 1. Initiative v Guilt
A normal blood pressure for an infant?
What is 80/50
Gold standard for meningitis disgnosis
What is a lumbar puncture test?
At 9 months.
When can the infant crawl and hold the bottle by themselves?
_______ ________ is when we believe that thoughts are all powerful and can cause events. This occurs around preschool age and can cause _____ if unable to complete a task.
What is magical thinking and guilt?
A normal HR for a 2-10 year old.
S/S special to shaken baby syndrome.
Poor feeding
At 10 months.
When the infant can pull to stand.
Vision testing begins
What test happens at age 4?
Select All That apply for a toddler:
A. Memories begin to develop
B. Concept of time revolves around rituals/events
C. Mimicking
D. Empathy
E. Symbolism
What is A, C, E?
Time as with events and empathy start to develop in preschool age children.
Toddlers have no concept of time and see egocentric.
Steps for abnormal vital signs.
1 - Redo the VS
2 - Assess the pt for symptoms
3 - Notify provider
Low glucose
High protein
High SBC
What is Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis with positive meningitis?
Bonus: why is the glucose low and the protein high?