Assessment & Communication
Pain Management
Growth & Development - Infants
Toys & Play
Communication techniques for this age group include using a quiet, calm voice, avoiding loud noises and sudden movements, and having the child sit in the parent's lap.
What is infants?
This scale is used for infants, young children, and children that cannot self report pain.
What is the FLACC scale?
At this age, a child's parents should be concerned about head lag.
What is 6 months?
Young infants (under 6 months) will typically enjoy these toys/activities.
What is rattles, stuffed animals, soft mirrors, mobiles, infant swings?
In order to make an infant or young child more comfortable during a procedure, the child can sit here.
What is in a parent's lap?
These age groups usually use the FACES scale.
What is some toddlers, preschoolers, and school age children?
In general, birth weight should be _____ by age 5-6 months and _____ by age 1 year.
What is doubled; tripled?
This age group tends to start enjoying sports, quiet games, clubs, and rule-based groups.
What is school age children?
When performing an assessment on a child, these assessments should be done first.
What is less invasive assessments, such as respiratory rate, color, appearance, activity, etc.?
These two nonopioid medications are commonly used to treat mild to moderate pain or fever.
What is acetaminophen and NSAIDs (Ibuprofen)?
Rolling over typically occurs at this age.
What is age 5-6 months (5 for abdomen to back, 6 for back to abdomen)?
Push-pull toys, dress up clothes, dolls, cooking toys, cars, finger paints, and play telephones are good play choices for this age group.
What is toddlers?
This age group takes things literally ("take blood", "get a shot"), are egocentric, and may need to examine medical equipment to feel comfortable.
What is early childhood (toddlers, preschoolers)?
This is how the FACES scale is explained.
What is "Point to the faces, read to the child, ask the child to pick the face that shows how he/she feels or how much pain he/she has"?
A child can typically sit unsupported at this age.
What is 8 months?
This type of play involves children playing alongside each other (usually different activities) but not interacting, and is common in this age group.
What is parallel play; toddlers?
If a teenager does not seem to be answering sensitive questions accurately when parents are in the room, what should be done?
What is ask the parents to leave or take the child to a private place out of the room to talk?
These pain medications would be most useful to a patient in severe pain.
What is opioids (morphine, fentanyl, dilaudid, oxycodone)?
Stranger fear typically presents at this age.
What is 6-8 months?
This type of play is characterized by children playing beside each other in the same activity, but with no formal organization; it is most common in this age group.
What is associative play; preschoolers?