
What accounts for the largest source of childhood mortality and morbidity after trauma?

What is TBI

Pediatric TBI

81 % mild

8% moderate

6% severe

5% fatal


This is the most commonly injured abdominal organ in children

What is the spleen?


This injury is frequently associated with fractures of the first rib?

What is Aortic Injuries

Injuries frequently associated with fractures of the first rib include injury to the lungs, trachea, aortic arc, great vessels or vertebral column. Fracture of the first rib are associated with blunt trauma.  


An early sign of increased Intracranial Pressure (ICP)

What is decreased level of consciousness


True or false- children will show signs of worsening physiologic compromise later than adults with similar injuries

 What is True


TBI patient exhibits spontaneous movement and is arousable only with vigorous continuous external stimuli and while motor responses to tactile may be appropriate verbal responses are minimal and incomprehensible. This level of consciousness is best defined as:

What is Stuporous


This is the leading mechanism of duodenal perforation

What is non-accidental trauma


A tension pneumothorax is known to cause what type of shock?

What is obstructive shock

Accumulation of air in the pleural space compresses the heart and great vessels within the chest cavity leading to obstructive shock.


A FAST exam is performed in what part of the Trauma assessment?

What is Primary Survey


This is one of the earliest signs of shock in the Pediatric Population

What is tachycardia


When using the Glasgow Coma Score, the trauma nurse knows that the maximum number of points that can be scored for  "best verbal response is?

What is 5

When using the Glasgow Coma Sore, the highest score available for “best Verbal response” is 5.

The best score for “best eye opening” is 4

Best “motor response” is 6


When documenting on a Trauma where is the best place to document bruising from seatbelt in the trauma narrator?

Trauma Narrator Physical Diagram 


A chest tube is placed for a pneumothorax and connected to drainage set. When determining patency of a chest drainage set the fluid in the water seal should?

What if bubble vigorously during inhalation

At the height of inhalation, the most amount of pressure is exerted in the pleural space forcing air out of the pleural space and into the chest drainage set. This should cause bubbling in the water seal chamber.

No bubbling may indicate system is not patent

Vigorous bubbling during exhalation or during both inspiration and expiration may indicate an air leak.

 5 kg Pediatric Patient sustained a hemopneumothorax from blunt trauma. Output after chest tube insertion was 140 ml of bright red blood. What is % of blood loss, and what is the classification of hemorrhagic shock?

140 ml blood loss =37.3% and this would be classified as Class III Moderate hypovolemic shock

Average Blood Volume per ml/kg: (˜75-80 ml/kg) 

Neonates: 85-90 ml/kg

Infants: 75-80 ml/kg

Children: 70-75 ml/kg

Adults 65-70 ml/kg


This is a late sign of shock in Children

What is hypotension


Subcutaneous bleeding over the mastoid process

Subcutaneous bleeding around the orbits

Blood behind the tympanic membrane

Are clinical findings of what type of fracture?

What is Basilar skull fracture


Trauma nurse knows that an early indication of intra-abdominal bleeding is?

What is tachycardia

early indication of hypovolemia is tachycardia


Patient with significant chest trauma from blunt injury suffered pulmonary contusion, had chest tube placed for a pneumothorax.  What is the best way to prepare this patient for transport.  

What is Transport using Defibrillator and bring appropriate size multipurpose electrode pads, connect chest tube to portable suction. 

Due to chest trauma patient is at risk for arrhythmias


This is the name given when blunt chest trauma results in a life-threatening dysrhythmogenic event without structural damage to the heart

What is commotion cordis


These 3 things make up the “Lethal Triad of Death”

What is hypothermia, Coagulopathy & Acidosis


Progressive hypertension associated with bradycardia and diminished respiratory effort which is a specific response to acute, potentially lethal increase in ICP

What is Cushing Reflex/Triad


The Trauma nurse expects patients with liver injuries to potentially have bruising in the right upper quadrant. In what other location is bruising sometimes noted?

What is around the umbilicus

The round ligament attaches the inferior surface of the liver to the umbilicus and is a remnant of the umbilical cord. Bleeding from the liver can therefore sometimes cause blood to accumulate around the umbilicus in the form of bruising.


What is the most common serious chest injury in children?

What is pulmonary contusion

A pulmonary contusion is a big boggy bruise on the lung. 

When the lung parenchyma is contused and edematous it becomes difficult for oxygen to move from the alveoli into capillaries

What do pulmonary contusion do over time? The blossom, pulmonary status may deteriorate for 24-72 hours after initial injury.


Injury pattern associated with Pediatric pedestrian versus automobile.

What is Waddell Triad


The age a male trauma patient can receive whole blood.

What is 16 years of age
