What is the Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex?
Segmental nerve roots of C5 and C6 affected by this brachial plexus injury.
What is Erb's Palsy?
Genetic abnormality in Down's Syndrome.
What is Trisomy 21?
What is torticollis?
Two pediatric conditions in the early 1900's that lead to the development of pediatric physical therapy.
What is polio and cerebral palsy?
Motor milestone that generally occurs at 3 months of age.
What is rolling?
What is Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex?
Motor learning difficulty that can affect planning of movements and coordination with symptoms of clumsiness, lack of coordination and problems with language and thought.
What is Dyspraxia Developmental Coordination Disorder?
What is a treatment intervention for cystic fibrosis?
When a child with an upper extremity limb deficiency begins prosthetic.
What is 3 months?
The ability to make a change of posture or movement, is the result of a complex set of processes over milliseconds
What is Motor control?
Motor milestone that occurs generally at 9 months of age?
What is crawling?
What is Moro Reflex?
Characterized by limited social interaction and deficits in language development.
What is Autism Spectrum disorder?
What is a movement pattern that is a hallmark of Duchenne Muscular dystrophy ?
What is plagiocephaly or facial and skull asymmetry?
Positioning in flexion, midline orientation, and symmetry.
What is treatment technique utilized in NICU?
Motor milestone that typically occurs at 12 months of age.
What is walking?
What is Landau reflex?
What is spastic tone?
Condition with high rate of sodium absorption which reduces water content in mucus and can lead to bowel obstructions.
What is Cystic Fibrosis?
Total absence of limb.
What is amelia?
Team works in isolation while treating the child.
What is the multidisciplinary team approach?
Infants born before 37 weeks of gestation.
What is a premature infant?
What is Stepping Reflex?
What is botox?
Most common type of muscle tone in Down's Syndrome.
What is low muscle tone?
Prenatal cause of limb deficiencies when fibrous bands entrap limb buds.
What is Amniotic Band Syndrome?
The type of services a child receives under the age of 3 per the IDEA regulations.
What is early intervention?
What are mobility, stability, controlled mobility, and skill?
What is the Grasp Reflex?
A defect in the backbone and spinal cord in which the spinal canal and spinal cord do not close normally.
What is Myelomeningocele?
A condition that has an onset between 5 -15 years of age and has a life expectancy of 30-40 years old.
What is Becker's Muscular Dystrophy?
Classification system for congenital limb deficiency.
What is Frantz and O'Rahilly classification?
Program developed to support the educational needs of a child over the age of 3
What is an Individual Education Program (IEP)?
Movement is acquired through the chaining together of reflexes and reactions.
What is reflex theory?
What is the Galant Reflex?
Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS)
What is a functional classification system in cerebral palsy?
Use of the arms to push to sitting.
What is a sign of decreased stability?
What is a stretch for Torticollis?
Four types of child neglect.
What are physical, medical, emotional, and education?
Can go up stairs with reciprocal pattern.
What is 2 years old?