With acute glomerulonephritis the most accurate way to assess fluid balance in a child is which of the following A. Maintaining an accurate intake B. Accurate daily weight
What is Accurate daily weight
A patients mother does not want her baby vaccinated. Your response is "Would you like to discuss your concerns?" This is what kind of response.
What is a therapeutic response
the medical term for a sinking in of soft tissues relative to the cartilaginous and body thorax is
What is retrations
In a child with CHF would you force fluids or arrange care in a manner that allows uninterrupted rest times
What is allow uninterrupted rest times
Which type of diabetes requires insulin and is usually diagnosed in younger children
What is Type 1 diabetes mellitus
Which of the following is the correct way to obtain a urine sample from an infant A. obtain a "mid-stream" sample B. squeeze urine from the diaper C. place a urine bag over the perineum
What is place a urine bag over the perineum
Ture or False: When teaching parents how to prevent accidental ingestion of foreign substances you should instruct them to keep anti-emetics in the home
What is False
Retractions and nasal flaring in an infant is a sign of
What is respiratory distress
When giving digoxin at home to a child with CHF which is a true statement A. It is difficult to over-medicate with digoxin B. It is important for parents to learn the guidelines for administering digoxin
What is It is important for parents to learn the guidelines for administering digoxin
School age children are at most risk from which types of burns
What is burns from playing with matches
The first nursing responsibility when receiving a child with acute glomerulonephritis would be
What is perform an assessment
According to Erikson children age 1-3 are in what stage
What is autonomy vs shame and doubt
Child has been hit by a car and is unconscious since the accident. What is the highest priority nursing diagnosis? A. Self-care deficit related to physical immobility B. Risk for aspiration: ineffective airway clearance related to depressed sensorium C. Impaired skin integrity D. Risk for imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements
What is Risk for aspiration: ineffective airway clearance related to depressed sensorium
What is the best explanation of why iron deficiency anemia is common in infancy
What is cow's milk is a poor source of iron
Which type of diabetes is characterized by the inability to secrete insulin due the destruction of pancreatic cells
What is Type 1 diabetes
When developing a plan of care for a patient with a UTI which of the following would not be appropriate A. accurate I&O B. recommend bubble baths C. teach to wipe back to front D. administer prescribed medications
What is recommend bubble baths teach to wipe back to front
According to Erikson preschool children are in a stage characterized by punishment-and-obedience. These children might view illness or hospitalization as
What is punishment
Which of the following would be an appropriate nursing diagnosis for a child with acute exacerbation of asthma A. Impaired physical mobility related to hemorrhages B. Ineffective breathing related to pulmonary congestion C. Impaired gas exchange related to interaction between individual and triggering factors D. Interrupted family processes related to child with a terminal illness
What is Impaired gas exchange related to interaction between individual and triggering factors
These signs and symptoms: Lethargy, poor feeding, failure to thrive, sudden weight loss, dyspnea, cyanosis can or may not be present in
What is a congenital heart defect
In a child with diarrhea what are some signs of dehydration
What is lethargic, dry mucous membranes, tachycardia
Acute glomerulonepritis can be a serious complication from which of the following A. Nephrotic syndrome B. streptococcal pharyngitis C. otitis media D. diabetes mellitius
What is streptococcal pharyngitis
When performing a physical assessment on a toddler what is the best way to initially approach the child A. preform traumatic procedures first B. use minimal physical contact to start with C. provide detailed explanations of what you are doing D. Always proceed in a head to toe direction
What is use minimal physical contact to start with
What vitamin supplement is appropriate for a child with cystic fibrosis (CF)
What is vitamins A, D, E, and K
Which of the following nursing diagnosis pertain to a child with CHF A. Increased cardiac output related to myocardial dysfunction B. Fluid volume excess related to edema C. Increased mobility related to pulmonary congestion D. Activity intolerance related to respiratory distress
What is Fluid volume excess related to edema Activity intolerance related to respiratory distress
Education for parents of young children to prevent burns include which of the following A. Turn pot handles toward the rear of the stove B. Setting hot water heaters at 170 degrees Fahrenheit C. Adequate supervision and establish a safe play area D. Role playing with hot appliances to learn
What is Turn pot handles toward the rear of the stove Adequate supervision and establish a safe play area