On Stage Performance
Who's on First
Disease Say What
This or That
Before I Go...

Erikson stage:

parallel play

playing with blocks

push pull toys

What is Autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt or toddler (1-3 y/o)?


A nurse is preparing a school-age child for a tonsillectomy. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? 

a. Schedule the child for a preoperative visit to the facility.

b. Inform the child she will be put to sleep during the procedure.

c. Read the child a story about a cartoon character having a similar operation.

d. Tell the child the appointment is to have her throat checked.

What is schedule the child for a preoperative visit to the facility?


Elevated blood pressure and bounding pulse in upper extremities, low blood pressure and faint pulse in lower extremities, cool skin

What is coarction of the aorta?


A child had a tonsillectomy 6 days ago and was seen in the emergency room 4 hours ago due to post-operative hemorrhage. The parent noted that her child was “swal- lowing a lot and finally began vomiting large amounts of blood.” The child’s vital signs are as follows: T 99.5°F (37.5°C), HR 124, BP 84/48, and RR 26. The nurse knows that this child is at risk for which type of renal failure? 1. CRF due to advanced disease process. 2. Prerenal failure due to dehydration. 3. Primary kidney damage due to a lack of urine flowing through the system. 4. Postrenal failure due to a hypotensive state.

What is Prerenal failure due to dehydration


A nurse is discharging a child with sickle cell anemia after an acute crisis episode. Which of the following should the nurse teach the child's parents to do?
a. Monitor the child's temperature daily.
b. Restrict outdoor play activity to 1 hr per day
c. Encourage the child to drink lots of fluids.
d. Have the child eat a high-protein diet.

What is encourage the child to drink lots of fluids?


A nurse is teaching assistive personnel to measure a newborn’s respiratory rate. Which statement indicates understanding of why the respiratory rate should be counted for a complete minute?

  • Activity will increase RR
  • Newborns are abdominal breathers
  • Newborns do not expand lungs fully with each respiration
  • Rate and rhythm of breath are irregular in newborns
  • What is rate and rhythm of breath are irregular in newborns?

 During a well-child checkup for an infant with tetralogy of Fallot (TOF), the child develops severe respiratory distress and becomes cyanotic. The nurse’s first action should be to:                                                                                                           1. Lay the child flat to promote hemostasis.               2. Lay the child flat with legs elevated to increase blood flow to the heart.               

3. Sit the child on the parent’s lap, with legs dangling, to promote venous  pooling.                                                                                                   4. Hold the child in knee-chest position to decrease venous blood return.

What is hold the child in knee to chest position to decrease venous blood return?


A nurse is caring for a child who is receiving peritoneal dialysis. Which of the following is a complication of this procedure?

a. constipation

b. metabolic acidosis     

c. hypoglycemia                                             

d. peritonitis

What is peritonitis?


A nurse is caring for a child who is 2 hr postop following a tonsillectomy. Which of the following fluid items should the nurse offer the child at this time?

  • Cranberry juice
  • Orange juice
  • Vanilla milkshake
  • Crushed ice

What is crushed ice?


Toxicity: Cardiac medication

- Decreased HR
- Decreased appetite
- Nausea & vomiting 

What is digoxin?


 A nurse is planning care for a 10-year-old child who will be hospitalized for an extended period of time. Which of the following actions should the nurse include in the plan of care to meet the client’s psychological needs according to Erikson?

  • Allow client to select own food from the menu
  • Arrange for a teacher to provide lesson plans
  • Discourage visits from the client’s friends
  • Provide a daily session with play therapist
  • What is arrange for a teacher to provide lesson plans?
  •  A 4-month-old is brought to the emergency department with severe dehydration. The heart rate is 198, and her blood pressure is 68/38. The infant’s anterior fontanel is sunken. The nurse notes that the infant does not cry when the intravenous line is inserted. The child’s parents state that she has not “held anything down” in 18 hours. The nurse obtains a finger-stick blood sugar of 94. Which would the nurse expect to do immediately?    
  • 1. Administer a bolus of normal saline.                                                                                      2. Administer a bolus of D10W.                                                                                              3. Administer a bolus of normal saline with 5% dextrose added to the solution.    
  •  4. Offer the child an oral rehydrating solution such as Pedialyte

What is administer a bolus of normal saline?


Which GI disorder has projectile vomiting, blood tinged vomit, and olive-shaped mass as a manifestation?

What is pyloric stenosis


Cyanosis at birth that progresses over the first year of life, systolic murmur, episodes of acute cyanosis and hypoxia

What is tetralogy of fallot


Usually occurs 2-6wks following untreated or partially treated URI (strep throat) w/ GABHS

What is rheumatic fever?


At how many months?

Runs clumsily

throws ball overhand

builds 3-4 blocks

jumps in place with both feet

what is 18 months?


A nurse is caring for a child who has cystic fibrosis and a pulmonary infection. Which of the following findings is the nurse’s priority? 

a. Blood streaking of the sputum

b. Dry mucous membranes

c. Constipation

d. Inability to clear secretions

What is inability to clear secretions?


Infection of the inner lining of the heart and valve; causative organisms include streptococcus viridians and staphylococcus aureus

What is Infective endocarditis


A nurse on the pediatric unit is caring for a group of clients. Which of the following findings should be the nurse’s priority?

a. A child who has asthma and a pulse oximetry of 94%

b. A child who has nephrotic syndrome and 1+ protein on the urine dipstick

c. A child who has sickle cell anemia and a urine specific gravity of 1.030

d. A child who has insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and a fingerstick glucose reading of 110 mg/dL

 What is A child who has sickle cell anemia and a urine specific gravity of 1.030


A nurse is preparing to administer an highlight intramuscular injection to a 2-month-old infant. In which of the following sites should the nurse plan to administer the injection?

What is Vastus lateralis?


A nurse is assessing the pain level of a 3-year-old child who is postoperative following abdominal surgery. Which of the following pain scales should the nurse use?

a. Word-graphic rating scale

b. Color tool

c. FACES pain rating scale

d. Numeric scale

What is c, FACES pain rating scale?


A child with LTB (croup) is placed in a cool mist tent. The mother becomes concerned because the child is frightened, consistently crying, and trying to climb out of the tent. Which is the most appropriate nursing action?     

a. tell the mother that the child must stay in the tent.  

b. call the provider and obtain prescription for a mild sedative. 

c. place a toy in the tent to make the feel more comfortable.

d. let the mother hold the child and direct the cool mist over the child's face.        

What is d, let the mother hold the child and direct the cool mist over the child's face?  


If a child has a distended abdomen and episodic diarrhea, they probably are suffering from what disease?

What is Hirschsprung's disease


A nurse is planning care of a child who has CF and a prescription to receive chest physiotherapy (CPT). Which of the following actions should the nurse plan to take?

  • Percuss each lung segment for 15 mins
  • Administer albuterol prior to CPT
  • Perform CPT immediately after the child eats
  • Perform vibration during the client’s inspirations

What is administer albuterol prior to CPT


Episodic abdominal pain along with currant jelly stool and sausage shaped mass in the abdomen are sign of ________.

What is Intussusception?
