Respiratory/Cardiac Diseases
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Exercise, tobacco smoke, or NSAIDs are a few of the many factors that can trigger an episode of this disease.
What is asthma.
After a patient has sustained a head injury, (and a spinal cord injury has been ruled out), you should do this for the patient, to facilitate venous drainage.
What is elevate the head of the bed 15 to 30 degrees.

This bacterial condition often results in severe anemia, platelet deficiency, and acute renal failure

What is Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome? 


This symptom, if seen postoperatively in a child following a tonsillectomy, may be indicative of bleeding

What is frequent swallowing?

For a child with a cast due to a fracture, the nurse should monitor for signs/symptoms of this serious complication.
What is compartment syndrome.

Common symptoms of this disease include pancreatic enzyme deficiency, progressive chronic lung disease and sweat gland dysfunction.

What is cystic fibrosis. ***DAILY DOUBLE*** What test can be used to diagnosis cystic fibrosis?


This special diet may be ordered for a child with a seizure disorder

What is a ketogenic diet?


A child that presents to the ED in a tripod position, stridor, and drooling should be suspect for this condition.

What is epiglottitis?


This bacterial skin infection in children is highly contagious.

What is Impetigo?

The nurse should determine the child's routines, habits, and preferences and maintain consistency as much as possible for a child with this disorder.
What is autism.
This disease in children is most commonly caused by congenital heart defects that produce an excessive volume or pressure load on the myocardium.
What is heart failure.
These are the 3 top nursing priorities for treating a child with a sickle cell crisis.
What is provide pain relief, administer oxygen, and maintain adequate hydration.
Altered level of consciousness; bulging fontanel; a high, shrill cry; vomiting; and increase in blood pressure are signs/symptoms of this condition.
What is increased intracranial pressure
This is the telescoping of one portion of the bowel into another, resulting in an obstruction of the passage of intestinal contents.
What is intussusception.
After a child has a ventriculoperitoneal shunt (VP shunt) placed for treatment of hydrocephalus, the nurse should place the child in this position.
What is flat (to avoid the rapid reduction of intracranial fluid), on the unoperated side (to prevent pressure on the shunt valve).
These are the 4 defects of the disease Tetralogy of Fallot.
What is ventricular septal defect (VSD), pulmonary stenosis, overriding aorta, right ventricular hypertrophy.

You should instruct a patient with phenylketonuria to avoid these types of foods.

What is high protein foods (like meats and dairy products) and aspartame. They are high in phenylalanine.

Seen in children with measles, these are small, red spots with a bluish-white center and a red base, located on the buccal mucosa.
What are koplik spots.
A sudden relief of pain followed by a subsequent increase in pain accompanied by guarding of the right abdomen is an indication of this severe condition.
What is a perforated (ruptured) appendix. ***DAILY DOUBLE*** What life threatening condition can a ruptured appendix lead to?
During the oliguric phase of renal failure, this electrolyte may be restricted.
What is potassium. (Due to the lack of urine output, potassium levels will rise, causing hyperkalemia).
Rheumatic fever occurs 2-6 weeks after not treating this type of infection.
What is group A beta-hemolytic streptococcal infection of the upper respiratory tract.

In a patient who just underwent a cleft lip repair, this position should be avoided.

What is positioning in the prone position. 


Iron supplements are best given to a child how long before giving them milk

What is one hour before.


In a patient with seizure precautions, you should always make sure to have this equipment at the bedside

What is suction and oxygen

If a patient with a cardiac defect becomes hypercyanotic, the nurse should place him in this position, to assist breathing and increase oxygenation to body tissues.
What is a knee-to-chest position.