Vaccination at birth
What is Hepatitis B?
Unilateral/bilateral, purulent, crust, discomfort, treated with antibiotic drops/ointment
What is bacterial pink eye?
I cause maculopapular red spots 1 day after redness appears on your face. The spots will appear symmetrically and progress proximal to distal. When the rash appears, your kid will feel better. I hate pregnant women. Droplet/blood precautions advised.
What is 5th disease?
Vaccination done yearly
What is influenza?
Unilateral, watery drainage, mostly in the summer, treatment is self-limiting
What is viral pink eye?
I'm infectious 7 days prior to 5 days after my infamous rash appears. The rash will appear on the face and will rapidly spread by the end of day 1. I can also cause a low grade fever, sore throat, and a cough. Contact/droplet advised.
What is rubella/german measles?
PCV, Polio, Dtap, Rotavirus, Hib, & HepB given at this age.
What is 2-6 months?
Bilateral, pruritis, watery drainage, edematous, treated with antihistamines or mast cell stabilizers
What is allergic pink eye?
Before rash appears, I can cause a mild-moderate fever, conjunctiviits, and a runny nose. Koplik spots will appear in the mouth 2 days before rash, and a spike in fever will be seen when the rash appears on the face and spreads downward. Contact/airborne advised.
What is measles/rubeola?
Hib, dTap, MMR, varicella, HepA, and PCV given at this age
What is 12-18 months?
I am infectious for 2-3 weeks and will cause you to have 3 negative cultures when they test for me. Before they test for me, I'm chilling in your body for 2-5 days. I will cause epistaxis, a low grade fever, airway obstruction, and a bull's neck. Droplet precautions advised.
What is diphtheria?
I have 3 stages but I am most contagious during the catarrhal stage. The catarrhal stage happens for 1-2 weeks with a runny nose, low grade fever, and mild occasional cough. The paroxysmal stage happens for 2-6 weeks with a rapid cough, vomiting, and exhaustion after coughing fits. My final stage is the convalescent stage where the cough lessens over 2-3 weeks. Contact/Droplet advised. Azithromycin is my antibiotic of choice.
What is pertussis/whopping cough?
What is 4-6 years old?
I cause a fever, fatigue, loss of appetite. I appear as itchy macules/papules and then progress to vesicles that then crust over. Scabs will appear in a week when I leave. Contact/Airborne precautions advised.
What is varicella/chicken pox?
If I am not treated, I can cause everything to swell. I am infectious before and after swelling begins. I cause painful swollen parotid glands and a earache that gets worse with chewing. Droplet/contact advised.
What is mumps/paramyxovirus?