How old is Pedro?
What is Pedro's Art Discipline?
Photographer, Poet, Visual Art
When did Pedro start working at OYEA?
February 2023
Where did Pedro grow up?
Villa Victoria
How many kids does Pedro have?
3 daughters
Where is Island is Pedro from?
Puerto Rico
What kind of doll does Pedro collect?
Funko Pop
What music does Pedro listen to when he works?
youtube lofi
Where did Pedro work before coming to OYEA?
What's Pedro's youngest daughters name?
What's Pedro's middle name?
What is Pedro's best friends name?
What does Pedro consider his relationship to Mayor Wu's daughter?
What neighborhood does Pedro live in now?
South End
What is Pedro's tiniest tattoo?
A star
What community center did Pedro go to growing up?
BCYF Blackstone
What is Pedro's Instagram handle?
What is Pedro's goal for OYEA this year?
To be mentioned in the State of the City
How old was Pedro when he started working for the city?
What high school does Pedro's middle child attend?
Fenway High School
How many siblings does Pedro have?
3 brothers
What is Pedro's favorite video game?
Red Dead Redemption
What is Pedro's spirit animal?
Where does Pedro's family live?
When is Pedro's youngest daughters' birthday?
January 6th