Upon auscultation, you hear wheezing or stridor on one side. What is happening with this patient?
What is foreign body aspiration
An ASO titer is diagnostic for what?
What is a prior strep infection
Sickle Cell Anemia priority
What is hydration
6-9% fluid loss and dry membranes are signs of what stage of dehydration?
What is moderate dehydration
You check an infants head circumference with myelomeningocele because they are at risk for what
What is hydrocephalus
a sweat chloride test is diagnostic for which disease
What is cystic fibrosis
Your 6 year old patient is due for Digoxin.
VS are as follows
RR: 18, HR: 68, BP: 130/92, O2: 96%
What is hold the dig & call provider
Patient presents with periorbital edema, low protein in the urine, frothy urine and weight gain
What is nephrotic syndrome
Upon walking in the room your patient is sat upright, has orders for NPO and an intubation kit nearby. WHat does your patient have?
What is epiglottitis
Postoperative care with a 2.5 year old, this is the pain scale you use
What is FACES
a parent calls the nurse advice line saying their child ingested a cleaning agent. What do we tell them to do?
What is call poison control & do not make them throw it up
patient presents with lower extremities cool, low BP & diminished pulses. They are pre op for a balloon angioplasty and are about to be mechanically ventilated. What do they have?
What is coarctation of the aorta
Your patient has celiac disease. What do we teach them to avoid?
Barley, Rye, Oats, Wheat, Nope!
Patient presents with ribbon like stool, abdominal distension and vomiting bile. Will likely need a temporary ostomy. What is it?
What is Hirschsprungs disease
Your patient had a tonsillectomy 24 hours ago & is swallowing & clearing their throat constantly. What is this a sign of?
what is bleeding
Trach care steps
Vital signs before and after
30-60 seconds between suctions
5 sec passes on infants, 10 sec passes on children
intermittent suction on removal
this heart defect casts "spells"
what is Tetrology of Fallot
Your patient has pertussis. What precautions do you initiate?
What is droplet precuations
Parent teaching for an infant with GER
what is thickening formula, small frequent meals & elevate the head
Your patient has increased ammonia levels, confusion, hyperreflexia, irritability, lethargy, diarrhea and seizures. What do they have?
what is Reye's syndrome
Your patient in triage is complaining of extreme pain in their RLQ with rebound tenderness. They say the pain is gone now with no interventions. What do you do & what do they have?
what is call the doctor & appendix rupture
a spell has been cast on this heart & these are the interventions
100% oxygen by face mask
knee chest position
morphine for pain
don't interrupt rest to avoid future spells
Signs and symptoms of intussuception sound.. yummy?
Sausage shaped mass & red currant jelly stool
A nurse is preparing to administer diphenhydramine 5mg/kg/day PO to divide equally Q8hr to an 8 year old who weighs 50lbs. You have 12.5mg/5mL. How many mL do you administer per dose?
What is 15mL per dose
Your patients lumbar puncture looks like this..
+ gram stain, cloudy color, WBC 16,000 & decreased glucose
What is bacterial meningitis