A child with an ANC less than 500 is at risk for what?
Most common side effect of allogeneic bone marrow transplant
This type of diabetes has an absolute insulin deficiency
Type 1
Priority nursing concern for increased ICP
airway management
2 or more unprovoked seizures
Priority for superior vena cava syndrome
Airway management
This type of transplant involves a donor
Allogeneic bone marrow transplant
Instead of sliding scales, pediatric patients use what to determine how much insulin is used
carb counting
Recommendations to follow for a concussion patient
cognitive rest - no computer, no tv, reading, using cell phone, lots of fluids & rest, mild walks
aka "staring off/daydreaming"
absence seizures
Umbilical cord stem cell transplant
Glucose goal range
disease that causes death most often from cardiac arrest and respiratory failure
This type of diet may help reduce seizures
Clinical signs include worsening headache in the morning & projectile vomiting
CNS tumors
This type of transplant uses the patient's own marrow, free from disease
Autologous bone marrow transplant
OTC meds should be...
sugar free
This causes increased BP, which results in increased ICP
over hydration
Without doing this to medication, a child can start having seizures again
weaning off
Characterized by firm but moveable, painless, nontender lymph nodes
Hodgkin's lymphoma
This type of transplant has a low rejection rate because it uses the patient's own cells
Peripheral stem cell transplant
This Erickson stage describes middle adolescents' reason for poor self management of diabetes
identity vs role confusion
Parameters to check AxO in infant
awake, easy to soothe, smile when spoken to, responsive to mom
Can be mistaken for an exaggerated startle reflex
Myoclonic seizure