At what ages do the anterior and posterior fontanels normally close?
Anterior - 12-18 months Posterior - 6-8 weeks (ATI page 8)
_______ is a language-based disability in which a person has trouble understanding written words. It may also be referred to as a reading disability or reading disorder.
Dyslexia (CSBP powerpoint)
What is developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH)?
A term used to describe abnormal development of the joint where the head of the femur fits into the pelvic acetabulum, a ball-and-socket joint. It can be dislocated, dislocatable, or subluxatable. (DDH website link and MS powerpoint)
Children with sickle cell anemia have an abnormal hemoglobin called hemoglobin ___.
"S" (Hem/Imm powerpoint)
What does RICE stand for?
Rest, ice, elevation, compression. (MS powerpoint)
A score of ____ or less on the Glascow Coma Scale would indicate the patient is in a coma.
8 (Neuro study notes)
What is the single MOST IMPORTANT assessment for a nurse to make when caring for an adolescent patient diagnosed with depression?
Suicide/suicidal ideation/suicide risk Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death in adolescents. (CBSP powerpoint)
What is osteogenesis imperfecta (OI)?
A heterogeneous, autosomal dominant disorder of the bones resulting in fractures and deformity. "Childhood brittle bone disease" (MS powerpoint)
Hemophilia A (classic hemophilia) is a deficiency in what?
Factor VIII (Hem/Imm powerpoint)
What do red blood cells look like in iron deficiency anemia?
Microcytic/Hypochromic (small and pale) (Hem/Imm powerpoint)
Name 3 interventions that can decrease ICP.
-Keep the head midline with the bed elevated to 30°, which will also promote venous drainage. -Avoid extreme flexion, extension, or rotation of the head and maintain in midline neutral position. -Keep the client’s body in alignment, avoiding hip flexion/extension. -Minimize oral suctioning. Nasal suctioning is contraindicated. -Instruct the client to avoid coughing and blowing the nose, because these activities increase ICP (Neuro study notes)
What are 3 diagnostic criteria for ADHD?
Inattention: Fails to give close attention to details Difficulty sustaining attention in tasks Does not seem to listen Does not follow through on instruction Difficulty organizing tasks Reluctant to engage in tasks that require sustained mental effort Loses things necessary for tasks Easily distracted Forgetful in daily activities Hyperactivity: Fidgets, squirms Leaves seat in classroom when remaining in seat is expected Runs about or climbs excessively in inappropriate situations Difficulty playing or engaging in leisure activities Always “on the go” Talks excessively Impulsivity: Blurts out answers before questions have been asked Difficulty awaiting turn Interrupts others
Name 3 signs/symptoms of systemic lupus erythematous (SLE).
SLE Picture: -photosensitivity -butterfly rash over cheecks -erythematous rash over areas exposed to sunlight -lupus nephritis, proteinuria, hematuria -tachypnea, cough, pleural inflammation/effusion -weight loss -fatigue -fever, increase in infections -arthritis -emotional libility -hematologic disorders -neurologic disorders -Raynaud's phenomenon, pericarditis, vascular inflammation 1. macular rash, malar erythema (butterfly rash on cheeks) 2. discoid rash, patchy erythematous lesions (rash on areas exposed to light) 3. photosensitivity 4. painless oral ulcers 5. arthritis, swelling, tenderness in 2+ joints 6. serositis, pleurites, pericarditis 7. renal disorder, proteinuria, casts 8. neurologic disorder, psychosis/seizures 9. hematologic disorder, anemia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia 10. immunologic disorder 11. antinuclear antibody (MS powerpoint)
What age do you want to avoid radiation in? Why?
A child less than 2-3 years old because their brain is still developing. (stated in oncology lecture)
Name 3 triggers for a vasocclusive crisis of sickle cell anemia.
Illness, temperature changes (particualrly cold), stress, dehydration, being at high altitudes (Hem/Imm powerpoint)
Name 4 potential complications of spina bifida cystica (spina bifida in which a meningocele or myelomeningocele is present).
- Infection - UTI - Trauma to spinal lesion - Impaired skin integrity (peri area or knees and ankles) - Hydrocephalus and CSF blockage - Latex allergy - Neuromuscular impairment (Neuro study notes)
At what age would you expect a child to have a vocabulary of about 300 words, use 2-3 word phrases, and use the words "i", "me", & "you"? 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, or 4 years old?
2 years old (CSBP powerpoint)
Tell me about nursing care for a child who is in skeletal traction...(name at least 4 things)
-Assess the hardware and maintain weights -6 P's -Pin care -ROM -Position changes -Hydration -Stool softeners or other interventions to prevent complications of bed rest (constipation is one) (MS powerpoint)
The most common cause of iron deficiency anemia in infants and children is a decreased supply. What might you teach the parents of a child to do in order to prevent iron deficiency anemia?
-Start iron supplements with breast fed infants @4 months or give iron fortified formula, if not breastfeeding -Start breastfed infants born premature or with a LBW on iron supplements @2 months old -Limit cow's milk intake to 32oz/day; give after food (Hem/Imm powerpoint)
How are fractures different in children than in adults? In other words, what pediatric considerations do we need to keep in mind?
-In children, growth remodeling occurs and often overgrowth is noted -Progressive deformity is possible -Growth plate injuries can occur in children as the epiphyseal plate is still open -Immobilization may be particularly difficult in children because physical activity helps children communicate and explore (in addition, it can disrupt family functions, decrease muscle strength, lead to atrophy, increase risk of DVT, decrease respiratory function, cause constipation or impaired skin integrity) -speed of healing varies, but in general kids heal faster than adults (4-6 weeks as opposed to 10-16 weeks) (MS powerpoint and MS extra slides)
Name 5 signs of increased intracranial pressure in infants.
Infant specific: Tense, bulging fontanel; lack of normal pulsations Separated cranial sutures Macewen (cracked-pot sound) sign Irritability/restlessness Lethargy/flat affect Drowsiness-increased sleeping High-pitched cry Increased occipitofrontal circumference (OFC) Distended scalp veins Changes in feeding (poor) Cries when held or rocked/disturbed Setting sun sign Early: Headache Emesis Change in LOC, high pitched cry Decrease in Glasgow Coma Score Irritability Sunsetting Pupil changes, diplopia Cranial nerve changes Seizures Late: Further decrease in LOC, Coma Bulging fontanels, separation of cranial sutures (infants) Decreased spontaneous movements Posturing Papilledema (older child) Pupil dilation & response to light Decreased response to painful stimuli Increased blood pressure Irregular breathing Cushing’s triad (very late sign; rare in children) (Neuro powerpoint)
Explain the difference(s) between conductive and serorioneural hearing loss.
Conductive(middle ear loss)- Usually temporary but can be permanent. Interference of sound to the middle ear including foreign body, fluid, wax.Most common cause of hearing loss is recurrent otitis media. Treatment includes antibiotic therapy, tympanostomy tubes. When hearing loss is permeant hearing aids can amplify sound. Sensorineural (perceptive or nerve deafness)- Damage to the inner ear structures or the auditory nerve. Cochlear implants help by stimulating surviving nerve cells. Usually permanent. Can be mixed conductive and sensorineural. Central auditory imperceptions. Inability to process sound. Can be psychological- PTSD, conversion reaction, schizophrenia (CSBP powerpoint notes & ATI pg.77)
What are the 5 "P's" in assessment of a child who has a fracture?
Pain, pulses, pallor, paresthesia, paralysis & poikilothermia (refers to a body part that regulates its temperature with surrounding areas; looking for if an area is cooler than areas around it) (MS powerpoint)
Name 4 side effects of cancer treatment.
-Nausea & vomiting (medications) -Anorexia (loss of appetite, food aversions) -Mouth sores (magic mouthwash, soft toothbrush, warms salt water rinses) -Neuropathy (extremity pain, jaw pain, foot drop, constipation) -Hemorrhagic cystitis (inflammation of bladder) -Moon face (steroids) -Alopecia (hair loss) -Organ damage (Onc powerpoint)
What's the difference between a plaster cast and a synthetic fiberglass cast? Name 3 cast care teaching points.
Plaster - heavy, not water resistant Synthetic fiberglass - light weight, some are water resistant, quick drying Cast care - elevate about the heart for the first 24-48 hours, ice for the first 24 hours, turn or reposition Q2H for faster drying or air circulation, do not use heat lamps or warm air dryers, use moleskins, do not place objects inside the cast (MS powerpoint)