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What will the nurse administer with ferrous sulfate drops when providing them to a child on the pediatric unit?

Orange juice


Where is the best site for giving an IM injection to a 15 month-old child?

Vastus lateralis muscle


An adolescent is diagnosed with Hodgkin's disease. Lymph nodes on both sides of her diaphragm have been found to be involved, including cervical and inguinal nodes. Which disease stage is this?



A child is brought to the pediatric clinic because he has been vomiting for the past two days. What acid-base imbalance would the nurse expect to occur from this persistent vomiting?



What physical assessment technique will the nurse omit when caring for a 2 year-old child diagnosed with Wilms' tumor?

Palpating the abdomen


What nursing observation best indicates the presence of ear pain in an infant?

The infant pulls on one ear.


What assessment would lead the nurse to suspect that a newborn infant has a ventricular septal defect?

A loud harsh murmur with a systolic thrill


What is the earliest age at which an infant is able to sit steadily alone?

8 months


What is the best suggestion by the nurse for an appropriate toy for a hospitalized 6 year-old boy?

Handheld video game


The parent of a child with osteomyelitis asks why his child is in so much pain. What will the nurse respond causes the pain experienced with osteomyelitis?

Purulent drainage in the bone marrow


A child's parents ask, How does Kawasaki disease affect my child's heart and blood vessels?" On what understanding is the nurse's response based?

Inflammation weakens blood vessels, leading to aneurysm.


When providing care for a child with pneumonia, before beginning antibiotic therapy, what diagnostic test findings would the nurse check?

Sputum culture


If the nurse collects the following date, what assessment finding is the best indication that a child is having an acute asthma attack?

Presence of expiratory wheezing


A hospitalized child is to receive fentanyl for an upcoming procedure. What is the advantage of fentanyl?

It has a rapid onset


A parent asks the nurse, "At what age are children capable of assuming more responsibility for personal belongings?" What is the nurse's best response?

9 years old


What nursing action should the nurse initially take for relieving a child's respiratory distress?

Place the child in semi-Fowler's position


Which behavior reported by a parent of an 18-month-old toddler would the nurse report to the pediatrician as a cause for concern?

Walks by holding onto furniture


During the discharge process, what long-term effect of phenytoin should the nurse include in the instructions to parents?

Gum overgrowth


What assessment technique used by the nurse is most accurate for counting the respirations of an infant during a well-child checkup?

Count the respirations for a full minute.


What nonpharmacological recommendation buy the nurse commonly relieves the symptoms caused by croup?

Placing a cool-mist humidifier in the child's room


When auscultating the chest of an infant with RSV, which assessment would the nurse immediately report?

Quiet chest from previous assessment of wheezing.


The nurse assesses a child who has been admitted with chickenpox. After obtaining data, what is most important to report to the charge nurse?

There is an increase in the IV infusion drip rate


What psychosocial task does the nurse understand is important for the adolescent to develop?

A sense of identity


What fear is unique to the preschool period?

bodily harm


Which comment made by a parent of a 1 month-old infant would alert the nurse about the presence of a congenital heart defect?

"He tires out during feedings."
