motor milestones after 1st year
outcome measures
more outcome measures
more random

By 18 months, what 3 things should a child be able to do?

Fast walk

Attempts to kick a ball

Walk backwards 


For a norm-referenced outcome measure, what are the child's scores compared to? What type of scoring do we use to interpret the data?

The child's performance needs to be compared to same age peers 

Use standard score to interpret data 


What does the TIMP assess? What age group can it be used for?

Assesses postural control and alignment

From 34 weeks post conception through 4 months corrected age 


What age group/population can the timed up and down stairs test be used for?

Ages 8-14 years with and without CP 


What other conditions put a child at risk for HTN?

Obesity, CKD, Sleep disturbed breathing, history of prematurity 


At what age is 50% of adult height reached at?

2-2.5 years old


What are some examples of Norm referenced outcome measures?

- ASQ-3: ages and stages


- BSID: Bayley scales of infant and toddler development 

- TIMP: test of infant motor performance

- PDMS2: Peabody developmental motor scale 

- BOT2: Bruininks-Oseretsky test of motor proficiency 

- WeeFIM: FIM for children 

- PEDI-CAT: pediatric evaluation of disability inventory 


What does the AIMS test for? What age group is it used in?

Assesses gross motor development 

Infants from birth-18 months (most sensitive when used with infants 4-12 months)


What ages can the pediatric balance scale be used with?

ages 5-15 with mild-moderate impairment


What is the FLACC assessing? Which ages can they be used for?

used to assess pain, useful when a child can't tell you how they are feeling 

used for children 2 months-7 years old and children younger than 3 before/after anesthesia 

At what age should we start to see a child jump off the first step, walk on tip toes, throw a ball overhead, and kick a ball? 

Should see these activities starting at 2 years old


When are criterion referenced outcome measures used?

Used when eligibility for intervention has already been met

Looks at change over time for a specific child 

Testing determines baseline level and performance based on child and family goals 


What is the PDMS assessing? What age groups can it be used with?

Assesses gross motor and fine motor skills that develop in early life

Used from birth to 5yrs 11 months


What does the segmental assessment of trunk control (SATCo) assess for? When does sitting balance emerge?

Assesses levels of trunk control in children with motor disabilities 

Sitting balance emerges between 2-9 months of age 


What ages/population can the FACES pain rating scale be used for?

Created for children to communicate about their pain by pointing to one of the faces on the scale

Can be used for ages 3 and older 


At what age should a child start following 3 step directions, ride a tricycle, and walk in a straight line?

3 years old 


What are some examples of criterion referenced outcome measures?

HELP: Hawaii early learning profile checklist 

INFANIB: Infant neurobiological international battery

GMFM: gross motor function measure

COPM: canadian occupational performance measure 

Developmental coordination disorder questionnaire 

SFA: school function assessment 

PBS: pediatric balance scale 


What does the BOT3 assess for and which age group can it be used for?

Assesses fine and gross motor proficiency 

Target population: 4-25 yrs and 11 months 


What is the difference in BP, RR and HR for infants and toddlers compared to adults?

HR and RR is higher than adults

BP is lower than adults


How do facilitation techniques help a child in PT?

Assists with movement, the child must participate for learning to occur

The therapist places their hands on a specific part of the child's body to help align and stabilize segments along with initiating movement 


By 5 years old, what some activities do we expect a child to be able to do?

Skip, hop 8-10 times on same foot, swing, climb, throw overhead, somersault, balances on one foot for 10 seconds or longer 


Which outcome measures can test motor function?







What are some single task activity level outcome measures?

TUG, Functional reach, Gait velocity, 6 min (2 min) walk test, running and jumping tests 


What value for SpO2 would we be concerned in pediatrics?



What are the 3 things you should NOT base a child's goals off of?


write goals from standardized test times

write ROM goals without focus on functional skills

write pain goals without focus on how it impacts functional skills 
