Which age group will have the most difficulty in coping with separation from parents while in the hospital?
In a calm and matter of fact way
What are adolescent's biggest concern when hospitalized?
How often do you assess a child who has an IV running?
Every hour
This is the best site for giving an IM injection to infants.
Vastus lateralis muscle
How would you describe a child drinking from nothing but a bottle in the hospital when previously they were drinking from a cup?
What is the best pulse location for children?
What restraint is appropriate for the insertion of an IV in a scalp vein of an infant?
What is the best time to prepare a child for surgery and hospitalization?
Days before, not weeks
What is the expected daily urinary output for a 4 year old?
600 to 720 mL
What advantage does fentanyl have?
It has a rapid onset
How does a nurse position the ear when administering ear drops to a 4 year old? What about a 3 year old?
Up and back for children over 3
Down and back for children under 3
In this stage of separation anxiety, the child is more interested in their toys than parents visiting.
This is the position for older children to prepare for a lumbar puncture.
On the side with the knees bent and the head close to the knees
This is an important aspect of nursing care of the infant, especially with invasive procedures.
Involving the parents
Why is a tympanic thermometer more accurate than other types of thermometers?
What would your next action be if you discover there is no ID bracelet on your infant patient?
Confirm the infant's identity, make a new ID bracelet
An infant's dry diaper weighs 2.5 g. The wet diapers weighs 47 g. What is the infant's urine output?
44.5 mL
What are important aspects of adolescent room assignments?
Around the same age/activity level, similar interests and diagnoses
A nurse tells a school age child to draw a picture after a procedure. What will this do for the child?
This factor will affect the infant's physiological responses to medications.
Immature kidney function
What are the fears of a young child being hospitalized? (three)
Body intrusion
What should the nurse keep in mind with parents who recently emigrated from Russia?
Smiling is inappropriate in a serious situation
Calcium salts
What is considered an important rule when suctioning a tracheostomy?
Apply suction for no more than 15 seconds