How would you define type 1 diabetes mellitus?
Insulin deficient
What role has the child of an alcoholic assumed if he tries to do everything perfectly?
Super coper
What should you inform your patient of who is taking antibiotics for an STD?
Finish all of the medication
How would you define type 2 diabetes mellitus?
Insulin resistant
What is the easiest way to educate a child on how to administer insulin?
Inject the needle at a 90 degree angle
What CNS symptom in a child with diabetes insipidus would alert the nurse to water intoxication?
Lethargy (change in the LOC)
How is Tay-Sachs disease inherited?
What would you call an open wound in relation to the chain of infection?
Portal of entry
What is important in the administration of levothyroxine for hypothyroidism?
Giving the medication at the same time every day
How would you describe anorexia?
Why do you use the side of the finger for blood sugar checks?
It has fewer nerve endings
What type of precautions are necessary for a child with varicella?
Airborne precautions
How would you describe a child who is bulimic?
Binge eats followed by purging
What class of medications makes a child susceptible to an opportunistic infection?
What condition would you suspect when a child with type 1 diabetes has hyperglycemia, diaphoresis, and headaches in the morning?
Somogyi phenomenon
How would the nurse document a rash that has erythematous, circular raised lesions?
What vaccine would be contraindicated in a child with an allergy to eggs?
Influenza vaccine
Your patient says they tried speed. What are they talking about?
What does it mean to be in the prodromal period of an illness?
There are no visible symptoms of the illness
Which finding would lead the nurse to delay the administration of DTaP for an infant?
Temperature of 105 F from the previous inoculation
Traveling to Europe in a week
Temperature of 105 F from the previous inoculation
What are sources of acquired active immunity?
Having the disease and getting the vaccine
What would you suspect in a child who has had a head injury, begins excreting copious amounts of dilute urine and has a significant drop in blood pressure?
Diabetes insipidus
What can soluble fiber in the child with diabetes reduce?
Blood glucose
Cholesterol level
Absorption of sugar
Insulin requirements
Which immunizations would you prepare to administer to a healthy 2 month old child? (four)
How would you identify a member of the child guidance team who is a medical doctor with special training in psychoanalytic theory?