When I am having conflict with a friend, who do I tell?
Teacher, therapist, counselor, parent
When I am experiencing bullying, what can I do besides try to "get someone back?"
Speak with therapist, walk away from the situation, speak with teacher, ask them to stop, take deep breaths, regulate!
What is an example of a bad coping skill?
Fighting, using drugs, hurting self or others
How can I show kindness to others?
Open ended question
What steps do I take when I am having conflict with a peer?
Try to talk to them calmly, ask a teacher to mediate, apply coping skills
What steps can I take if a friend is getting bullied or picked on?
Avoid putting yourself at risk, speak with a teacher, ask your friend how you can be supportive without fighting.
What is an example of a healthy coping skill?
Reading, taking a timeout, listening to music
When has someone been unkind to me? How did it feel?
Open response
Who do I have the most conflict with in my life? What am I doing to resolve that conflict, if anything?
Have I experienced bullying? How have I coped with bullying in the past? How can I cope with bullying in the future?
Speak regularly with teachers about experiences. Keep them updated. Walk away from the situation as much as possible. Do not put yourself at risk by fighting.
When has a coping skill not worked for you? What did you do instead?
Open ended question
Open ended response.