What two sciences does everybody take in junior year?
Physics and Biology
What is choreolab?
A dance performance
Of these three teachers, only one is not a Trevor alumni. Which one? a. Ms. Markman, b. Mr. Feigin, or c. Ms. Murphy
c. Ms. Murphy
What is the name of (at least) 1 of the teachers who organizes Peer Leadership and what do they teach?
Ms. Spielman (dance) and/or Mr. Ulitto (french)
What day and period does Peer Leadership meet?
G days at 9:15am!!!
How many toasters are there in the cafeteria?
Last year, one of our sports teams played York Prep in the NYSAIS finals. Which team was that?
Boys Varsity Basketball
Our school used to have a different name. What was that name?
The Day School
What is the name of the tenth-grade biology (Bio 1) teacher?
Two of your peer leaders are on the basketball team. Which two?
Ava and Nnyala
Name at least 5 different types of rooms on the second floor.
bathroom, band room, chorus room, locker rooms, band practice rooms, equipment room
What is the name of our athletic trainer?
In what year did Mr. Resinger become the head of school?
Name 5 of 6 English Teachers.
Tarbath, Freeland, Greenup, Murphy, Smith, Evans
What are the names of your three Peer Leaders (first names only)?
How many classrooms are there on the 7th and 8th floor combined?
What is bridge at Trevor? Do your best to explain!
spring break of senior year, explore interests by doing internships, etc,
What is the name of the church that Trevor's old building was next to and that we used to have winter assemblies in?
The Church of the Heavenly Rest
Both Advanced Spanish 4 and Regular Spanish 4 have the same teacher. Who is that teacher?
Ms. Spalding
Your Peer Leaders' last names all start with the same letter. What is that letter?
Homecoming is coming up! What day is it?
How many clubs/extracurriculars are there at Trevor? Hint: Here are some options - 22, 43, 57, 60, 74, or 81
What year was Trevor founded?
How many upper school teachers are there? Hint: It's in between 35 and 55
During orientation, everybody talked about what they did over the summer. What did your peer leader Zoe do over the summer?
camp counselor