The name of H and H's workforce Wellness program
Helping Healers Heal
The definition of stress
A sense that something is not right and needs to change
The room in which staff can go 24/7 to recharge
Wellness room
Any staff can request this via the H3 portal or by calling the WPD/PSC/H3 lead when feeling stressed
debrief/wellness round
The place where someone can request H3 support online
H3 portal
The Tier 1 of H3's model
Knowledge of second victimization, knowing how to support one another, general knowledge
The definition of burnout
When stress, distress, and disorder leads to not being able to cope at work
One on one support offered by the WPD and PSC's to staff experiencing stressors
Offered onsite and virtually to staff, dependents, and children. Free, confidential, and not connected to MyChart
The hours 306A are open
Tier 2 of H3's' model
YOU! Peer support champions, debriefs, events, rounds, etc
The ability to understand and identify with anothers situation and motives
This fosters ongoing dialogue about wellness and allows for staff to be checked in on, as well as given resources about H3
Wellness round
Connects you with someone who has a similar role within the hospital system for peer support
Battle Buddy
The hours 453 Hammett are open
M-F 9-5
Tier 3 of H3's wellness program
Extended referral network
Healthcare workers experience trauma through patient's experience
Second Victim
Active pursuit of new life skills to become more balanced and create a more fulfilling life style
Specific number for physicians to call when in need
Physician support line
The name of the therapy dog
The name of Coney Island's WPD and H3 lead
Rebecca Grodzki and Lynn Hussey
A combination of support and care from the outside and within, plus coping skills that allow us to heal after crisis has passed
The 8 dimensions of wellness
Physiological, Occupational, Financial, spiritual, Intellectual, social, environmental
These are offered every Thursday virtually through EAP for those experiencing loss
Your WPD's favorite animal