You are talking to a friend group on the phone one evening after school. What is one way you could end the phone call?
“I got to go finish my homework”; “I have to go eat dinner”; “Well I should let you go”; “I got to get going?"
This is the chemical formula of water.
This is when someone laughs to be polite, but doesn't actually think you're funny.
courtesy laugh
Bill Gates is the founder of this company.
When someone doesn’t respond to you, this is the number of times in a row you should call or message before you stop.
This is the term used when we have things in common with another person, including similar interests, likes, or hobbies.
Common interests
Arachnophobia is the fear of these.
You just told a funny story to a group of peers. One of the kids rolls his eyes, looks at another peer, and then laughs. What does this humor feedback tell you about this peer?
They may be laughing at you or making fun of you
The acronym YOLO stands for this.
you only live once
You notice that a peer at school has ignored your request on Instagram and Facebook. What shouldn’t you do?
Send the request again. Instead, move on and find someone else that is more accepting.
If the closed-ended question was, “What is your favorite video game?”, what would the open-ended question be?
“What kind of video games do you like to play?”
This is the biggest planet in our solar system.
You just told a funny story to a group of peers. One of the kids is laughing and smiling at the punch line, and says "You're funny." What does this humor feedback tell you about this peer?
Laughing with you
Robert Downey Jr. is known for playing this Marvel superhero.
Iron Man
You are breaking this rule when you don't share the conversation.
Dont be a conversation hog
Name 2 types of crowds that teens may be a part of.
cheerleaders; drama club; band; choir; skaters, athletes/jocks; partiers; troublemakers; popular kids; nerds?
This is the number of ribs you have.
You are hoping to become friends with Brian, who you know from school. However, every time you ask him to hang out he puts it off (e.g., says "yeah we should do that" but never follows through) or repeatedly gives excuses. What you could this mean and how do handle it?
He may not be interested in being your friend. You should find a new friend or group that is accepting of you.
This singer's real name is Aubrey Graham.
Name 3 ways you know you are accepted by a group.
give you their phone number/email/contact info; call, email, text to talk; invite you to do things; accept your invitation to do things; add you to social media; seek you out to do things?
Instead of acting defensive or becoming upset, you should act amazed when you are the target of this?
rumors and gossip
An octopus has this many hearts.
You and your Kevin planned to see the new Marvel movie together when it comes it. On opening weekend, your friend Amanda invited you to see the movie with her. Although you had talked about going with Kevin, you like Amanda and decide to go with her. The next day, Kevin finds out and is upset you went without him. How would you handle this disagreement.
1. Keep your cool
2. Listen to Kevin
3. Repeat what Kevin says ("it sounds like I hurt your feelings")
4. Explain your side
5. Say you are sorry
6. Try to solve the problem (tell Kevin what you will do differently next time, ask Kevin what he wants you to do).
Who is the half-blood prince in Harry Potter?
Severus Snape
It is a bad idea to do this when you are first getting to know someone because the other person may get uncomfortable.
Getting too personal or trauma dump