PEERS/Trading information
Two way conversations/Electronic communication
Choosing Appropriate Friends
Good Sportsmanship/Get togethers

Name 3 characteristics of a good friendship...

  • Common Interests 

  • Self/Disclosure/Share secrets 

  • Understanding 

  • Shared/Equal

  • Mutual affection/Care

  • Commitment/Loyalty/Trust

  • Conflict Resolution


Name two common conversation topics among high school students.

  • Movies/TV shows/youtube/viral videos

  • Music/concerts

  • Books

  • Classes/exams/teachers

  • Apply to college

  • Work

  • Sports

  • Cars/motorcycles/bikes 


Name three different types of social groups

  • ASL (Adaptive Sports League)

  • Gamers group

  • Teacher group 

  • Social media groups

  • Lunch groups 

  • Sports groups 

  • Cheerleading group

  • Band/orchestra group

  • Siblings 

  • Classmates 


Name two steps to exit a conversation if you were turned down

  • Keep your cool

  • Give a brief cover story (if appropriate)

  • Look away 

  • Turn away

  • Walk away 


Name 3 steps for beginning get togethers..

  1. Greet your guests

  2. Invite them in

  3. Introduce them to anyone they do not know 

  4. Give them a tour 

  5. Offer them refreshments

  6. Ask what they want to do

Name 2 types of friendships
  1. Acquaintance

  2. Casual

  3. Regular

  4. Best


When is it appropriate to give someone your phone number?

  • Trade information on several occasions

  • Find common interests

  • Use your common interests as a cover story for future contact

  • Assess interest

  • If interested suggest exchanging contact information


How can you tell if you are accepted by a peer group?

-They are nice to you

-They listen to you

-They support you

-They invite you to things 


Name two steps to exiting a conversation if you were accepted into the conversation.

Wait for pause 

Give a reason for leaving that makes sense

Say you’ll see them later 

Say goodbye

Walk away


Name 5 rules for good sportsmanship

  • Praise your friends

  • Play by the rules

  • Don’t be a referee 

  • Don’t be a coach

  • Share and take turns

  • Don’t be too competitive 

  • Help and show concern if someone is injured

  • Suggest a change if bored

  • Don’t be a sore winner or loser

  • At the end say, “Good game”


How do you know if someone is interested in talking to you?

  1. They are talking to you.

  2. They are looking at you.

  3. They are facing you.

  4. They are responding to you. 


State two things you should do when ending a phone call.

  1. Wait for a bit of a pause

  2. Explain why you have to go

  3. Tell the person it was nice talking to them

  4. Tell the person that you will talk to them later

  5. Say goodbye 

  6. Hang up 


Why is it important to have a social group? 

  • Gives us a source of friends with common interests 

  • Gives you a community who can support you and stick up for you

  • You may bond over “dislike” of different social groups


Name 2 reasons you might get turned down in a conversation

  • Off topic 

  • Mean (exp. “Why are you even here?”) (weird kid) 

  • Serious conversation (private conversation) 

  • On the phone (interrupting)

  • Busy

  • Recording a video/video meeting/live streaming 

  • Might not want to talk to you


What are the 4 Ws and H to making plans?





What is a common interest? Give me one example of a common interest that you share with someone in our class.

Something that you and another person have in common. 


Tell me three important rules for 2-way conversations

  • Trading information

  • Asking open-ended questions

  • Ask follow-up questions

  • Don’t be repetitive 

  • Listen to your friend

  • Don’t police 

  • Don’t tease

  • Be a little more serious when you are first getting to know someone 

  • Use good volume control

  • Have good body boundaries

  • Make good eye contact

  • Don’t brag/don’t be argumentative


What is one message that you can take away from the movie Sandlot?

**Student answer here


Name three steps to starting a conversation

  • Casually look over 

  • Use a prop (if appropriate)

  • Find a common interest

  • Mention the common interest

  • Trade information

  • Assess interest 

  • Introduce yourself


Name 5 rules for during get togethers

  1. The GUEST gets to pick the activities you do together 

  2. Be a good sport

  3. Give compliments

  4. Be loyal to your friend 

  5. Stick up for your friend 

  6. Don’t ignore your friend 

  7. Suggest a change if you get bored 

  8. Trade information at least 50% of the time

  9. Keep it short and sweet at first


What are 3 rules of trading information?

  1. Ask the other person about him or herself

  2. Answer your own question

  3. Find common interests 

  4. Share the conversation

  5. Don’t be a conversation hog

  6. Don’t  be an interviewer 

  7. Don’t get too personal at first 

  8. Assess their interest


What are the 5 steps for starting a phone call?

  1. Ask for the person you are calling

  2. Say who you are

  3. Ask how they are doing

  4. Ask if they can talk

  5. Explain why you are calling


Name one social group that you are apart of and tell me why you are apart of that group.

***student answer


Name three steps to joining a conversation

  • Listen to the conversation

  • Watch from a distance 

  • Use a prop (if appropriate)

  • Identify the topic

  • Find a common interest

  • Move closer/wait for a pause

  • Mention the topic 

  • Assess interest

  • Introduce yourself 


What are the 6 steps for ending get togethers?

  1. Wait for a pause in activities

  2. Give a cover story for leaving or ending a get together

  3. Start walking your friend to the door

  4. Thank your friend for getting together 

  5. Tell your friend you had a good time

  6. Say goodbye 
