Appropriate Humor
Enter/Exiting A Conversation
Electronic Communication

What is one rule for trading information?

-Ask the other person about themself

-Find a common interest

-Share the conversation

-Don't get too personal too fast


Name one rule for appropriate humor.

  • Be serious when you are first getting to know someone
  • Do not repeat jokes
  • Humor should be age-appropriate
  • Avoid “insult jokes”
  • Avoid “inside jokes” with people who will not get them
  • Avoid “dirty jokes”
  • Think about whether it is the right time to be telling jokes.
  • Pay attention to your humor feedback.

Name at least 1 step for slipping into a conversation.

Watch/listen, wait, join


Name 1 way to safely use the internet.

  • Other Internet safety tips:
  • Be aware of “trending” challenges that look like they are fun and popular but pose a safety risk or may hurt other people’s feelings.
  • Be thoughtful about your permanent digital footprint (e.g., even when you delete something, someone could have saved a screenshot of your post- this even includes Snapchat).
  • Try to limit screen time to less than 2 hours per day.

You find out that you and a friend have a common interest in basketball. What could you do if you spent time together in person?



Give an example of a cover story for starting a phone call. 



How do you know that the joke you told was not funny/appropriate?

  • They do not laugh.
  • They give a courtesy laugh.
  • They look confused.
  • They insult you or the joke (e.g., roll their eyes, make a sarcastic comment).
  • They walk away.
  • They laugh at you.

When do you need to use a cover story before slipping out of a conversation?

When you have participated in 3+ conversational exchanges.


Why is it important to avoid cyberbullying online?

It is mean; it can hurt people's feelings; it gives you a bad reputation; people do not want to be friends with you if you are a bully.


You have been talking to someone on the phone for a while and are bored of the conversation. What is an appropriate and polite cover story to end the call?



Name 3 rules for having a two-way conversation.

  • Trade information
  • Answer your own questions
  • Find a common interest
  • Share the conversation
  • Do not get too personal at first
  • Ask open-ended questions
  • Ask follow-up question
  • Do not be a conversation hog
  • Do not be an interviewer
  • Do not be repetitive
  • Listen to your friend
  • Do not criticize or tease
  • Be serious
  • Use good volume control
  • Have good body boundaries
  • Make eye contact

How can you tell if someone is laughing with you or laughing at you?

Laughing at you
-Laugh and roll their eyes
-Look at someone else and then laugh
-Laugh before the joke is over
-Long pause before they laugh
-They sarcastically say: “You’re funny” and roll their eyes

Laughing with you
-Laugh and smile at the punch line
-Compliment your joke or sense of humor
-They say: “that’s a good one” and smile
-They say: “I’ll have to remember that one”
-They say: “You’re funny” and smile


Why is it important to wait before jumping into a conversation?

-know what they are talking about
-wait until there is a good break/pause to join in
-make sure they are talking nicely/not too sophisticated

**Other acceptable answers can still receive points!


Name 2 rules for using the internet.

  • Teens should be careful using the Internet to make new friends.
  • Teens should never give personal information to a stranger online.
  • Teens should never agree to meet with a stranger from the Internet without parent permission.
  • When a teen receives a “friend” invite from someone you do not know, be thoughtful before responding:
  • Make sure it does not look like a “bot.”
  • People may not be who they say they are.
  • Teens should consider how much of their private information/ pictures would be available to that person on the platform before accepting (ex: video game vs. Instagram).
  • Alert a parent if a person is asking for or sending inappropriate content.
  • Have a parent help set up privacy settings on Instagram, Snapchat, and other social media sites.
  • The Internet is best used to develop stronger friendships with preexisting friends.
  • It can be used to trade information and plan get-togethers.


You try to slip into a conversation but no one acknowledges what you have said and they seem to be having a private conversation. What should you do?

Keep your cool, look away, turn away, walk away, and try again later. 


Imagine someone saying, "I really like going to the movies and playing arcade games." What is a good follow-up question to this? 

give a follow-up question related to movies or arcade games


Why is it important to pay attention to your humor feedback?

Because if people do not think you are funny, then maybe you should not be trying to tell jokes; when you try to tell jokes and no one thinks you are funny, you may end up pushing people away; 

"It looks like dinner's ready, so I need to go." Is an example of a...

Cover story


When you first meet someone and begin texting them, how many messages in a row can you leave with no response before it is inappropriate?



You see a group of people who share common interests with you. As you move closer to the group, you hear that they are talking about one of those common interests. When is the best time to try to join the conversation?

If there is a brief pause; If someone has just finished speaking; if the group notices you and they open up the circle
