The purpose of trading information
A conversation where both people are trading information
A two-way conversation
The most common form of electronic communication
When you only ask someone questions you are
an Interviewer
Name at least two conversational topics between teens
[teacher determined, possible answers: gossip, sports, video games, etc.]
When you first contact someone, you should have a:
Cover story/Reason for talking
To assess someone's interest in speaking with you it is important to notice whether they are:
- Talking to you
- Looking at you
- Facing you
What kind of questions should you try to ask when having a conversation
Open-ended questions
How do you ask for someone's number
After talking with them and assessing interest, you can ask to exchange numbers for the purpose of getting to know each other better.
Who can you trade information with
What is policing a conversation
Information that should not be shared on the internet
PII - Personally Identifying Information (i.e. your full name, your age, your address/city, etc).
An example of how not to trade information would be:
What are two non-verbal components of a two-way conversation
1. Volume Control
2. Body Boundaries
Give an example of both a positive electronic interaction AND a negative
[teacher determines answer correctness]