When should W's be flipped?
W's may ONLY be flipped after all funded/parent absent notes have been reconciled and or processed.
When a student is absent, what automated process occurs?
Automated phone call and email are sent to parent/guardian.
What does the acronym PEIMS stand for?
Public Education Information Management Systems and or People Enrolled In My School.
Many districts preregister Pre-K students to determine and plan for the size of the next school year Pre-K program, When does this process begins?
April 1st of each year.
Where can you find/run the New Button Report?
Find: SharePoint>SIS>New Button Report>Select School Year>Select current report
Run: Skyward>Custom Reports>Reports-RE>New Button Detail Report
What wording is important to provide when coding a funded absence type for a medical absence (P-M)?
Attendance comment specifying when the student signed in and when the student signed out on the date of the appointment.
Example: In 10:25 Dr appt ; Example: Out 9:30 Dr appt ; Example: Out 9:30/In 11:30 Dr appt
This allows any individual reading the attendance comment report obtain details of why the absence was coded P-M.
Upon the student's return, how many days do they have to present an excuse note?
Must present an excuse note within 5 days if absence.
What is the purpose of FBISD Reconciliation process?
Is to verify the enrollment of all students in FBISD campuses are accounted for in Skyward.
What should every newly enrolled student have in Skyward?
1 of the 8 Entry Comments
What report is the one mostly used at the campus to clean class roster during fall/winter/summer?
Course Report by Course
Natresha Ardoin will create a shared template as well as the readiness packet that will provide guidance on filtering this report to find any errors that will need to be fixed.
What is FBISD attendance goal for the year?
District goal for the year is 96.50%
If a student receives 3 unexcused absences within a 4-weeks period or 5 total unexcused absences in a semester, What process occurs?
Parent/Guardian will be emailed a Truancy Warning Letter.
OnDataSuite (ODS) has many reports that can be used for your campuses, Name 3 attendance reports?
There are 17 Attendance Reports under Student Custom Reports to name a few:
Attendance Contact Hour Summary;
Campus Attendance;
Percentage in Attendance Comparing by Eth,Gender,Grade and Special Pop;
Six Weeks Attendance Report;
Total Days Absent Student Counts by Campus;
Low Attendance Report;
Perfect Attendance in a Reporting Period
When withdrawing or re-enrolling a SPED student, What should NOT be ended and or re-entered?
When is Data Mining used?
Data mining will be used when asked for custom information that is not collected by the software in a standard report.
How many religious holy days in the Interfaith Calendar can you name?
No mane a few: Rosh Hashanah(J) ; Yom Kippur(J) ; Diwali(H) ; Navaratri(H) ; Ash Wednesday(C) ; Ramadan(I) ; EID Al-Fitr(I) ; Visakha Puja(B)
If a student accumulates 5 unexcused absences during a semester, What process should be held at the campus level?
Campus should hold a Tier 1 meeting, also student should complete the Attend2Achieve Truancy Diversion Program in Schoology.
How frequently should campuses hold their Campus Attendance Committee(CAC) / Data Integrity Team (DIT) meetings?
These informative meetings should be held at least once every six weeks but may be held more often depending on your campus scenarios.
All TREX request must be fulfilled within how many days?
Within 5 days
What is the path to the Selected Grades Report?
Office>Grading-GR>Reports-RE>Grading Information/Analysis-GI> Selected Grades-SG
Note: The Selected Grade Report provides information about which grade marks you are needing for example you may create a 0-69 failure list and or Incomplete/No Grade List.
How many years must FBISD retain all required attendance records? Where can you find this answer?
FBISD must retain for 5 years / SAAH pg.25
If a student accrues 10 unexcused absences in a 6-month period, What procedure should be taken?
Campus should hold a Tier 2 meeting, also appropriate staff may submit referral to SH-Truancy.
How many PEIMS TEAM members can you name?
What documents must parents provide for enrollment?
-Proof of identity/age of child (Birth Certificate, Passport, School ID Card, Report Card, Birth Record, Adoption Record, Other Legal Doc.)
-Identifier for the student (Social Security Card) if not provided State ID number will be assigned.
-Valid parent/guardian photo ID (DL, Passport, Government issued ID)
-Verify student district/school enrollment zone (Proof of Residency: Current deed, lease, mortgage)
-Proof of up to date immunization record
-Student's academic progress from the previous school ONLY Grade 1-12 (Most recent Report Card/Transcript)
What is the 1st template that should be ran in order to posting Progress Reports/Report Cards?
1st template-Run the Review
2nd template-Run to Post
Note: The templates have already been created and must not be modified.