What are the required documents a pilot must have on them at all times (PPM)
Pilots Cret
Photo ID
Illness, Medication, Stress, Alcohol, Fatigue, Emotion, Eating/diet
What are the primary flight controlls and what axis do they control
Ailerons (roll)
Rudder (yaw)
elevator (pitch)
6 Pack
ASI, VSI, Altimeter, Attitude indicator/arteficial horizon, Heading indicator, Turn coordinator
4 forces of flight
Lift, Weight, Thrust, Drag
A pilot intends to fly his plane at a tac time of 3570 hours, his 100 hour was due at 3553, is he legal to fly?
No, he is 17 hours over due, 7 hours past the feiry time.
For a pilot over the age of 40, how long does a medical last...and for those under 40?
24 calender months over 40
60 calender months under 40
!!DAILY DOUBLE!!How long does an aircraft registration and Airwothieness Cert. last for
Registration-7 years
What are the uses for oil
Lubrication, cooling, cleaning, sealing
Bernoullis' Principal
A fluid flowing at a low velocity will have a higher pressure while a fluid with a high velocity has a lower pressure
This action must be taken every 24 calender months in order to remain a certified pilot...
Flight review
You and your friend want to go flying, but he is obviously drunk. Is it legal to take him up
What are the 4 strokes of a propeller engine
Intake, Compression, Power, Exhaust
what are the parts of an airplane
Powerplant, Fuselage, Main gear, Wings, Empanage
What causes a wing to stall.
The sepparation of the smooth flowing air over the wings surface.
!!DAILY DOUBLE!!Eligibilility requirements for a private pilot certificates.
17 years of age
fluent in english
hold 3rd class medical (or basic med)
What is the reason for a passenger briefing
To ensure that all souls understand safety and emergancy protocal put in by the pilot and have knowledge of what to expect
What are the first signs of carburatior icing
ASI, VSI, Altimeter
!!DAILY DOUBLE!! What is total drag
The combination of parasite drag and induced drag
In respect to the PILOT, what are catigory, class, and type defined as
'Catigory' is the broad generalization
'Class' in the opperating abilities (SEL,SES,MEL,MES)
'Type' is the make and model of the aircraft
What are the 2 primary 'Risk Management' lists that pilots use.
(bonus points if you can name the items)
Airwothieness Directives (in complyance) Annual (12 callender months) VOR (30 days) 100 hour (needed for planes for higher) Altimeter and Transponder (24 Calender months) ELT (half usefull batery and/or 12 calender months
ANDS, UNOS (magnetic compas)
Accelerate North, Decelerate South
Undershooth North, Overshoot South
What are the left turning tendancies
Torque, Asymetrical thrust, Gyroscopic precession, slipstream