The kindergarten teachers at Pembroke
Who are Ms Daly Ms Downs and Ms Turner?
Known to wear a tiara, and a tutu
Who is Mr Hans
Special 5th grade activity.
What is Nature's Classroom.
When there is a mess in the cafetria
Who is Mr Billie?
Was a great science teacher
Who is Mrs michael
The first grade teachers at Pembroke
Who are Ms Syzmmel, Ms Fernandez, and Mrs Cefaloni ?
The third grade teachers
Who are Mrs Fablo, Mrs Daly and Ms Cline, and Mr Garza?
Ms. Migiano's special project.
What is the yearbook?
When the bathrooms need to be unloocked
Mr Powell
Was a Pembroke resource Room teacher for 15 years
Who is Mrs Jones?
In charge of room 2 and room 3
Who are Ms Alicia and Ms Alison ?
The Second grade teachers
Who are Ms Evans and Mr. Hans
Helps out in Town Hall.
The Student Leaders?
When you are having a bad day
Who are Mr lablanc , Mr hernandez and Ms Shields ?
Who really runs the school
Who is Mrs Jackson ?
What is a kindergaarteners favorite part of the day?
Second grade special activity
What is sledding?
How many teachers cover 4th and 5th grade.
What is nine?
When you bump your head ?
Who is Nurse Autumn ?
we find it in the Court yard in October
What is the Pumkin Patch ?
kindergartners do this in their free time ?
What are arts and crafts ?
Third grade special activity
What is History of Danbury walk?
4th and 5th graders favorite drink
What is prime
When you are at recess and need to go to the bathroom
What is the office ?
Pembroke is a safe and caring place ...
How does the Pembroke Mission statement start ?