What is Miss Glennon's favorite food?
Who is my favorite singer?
Post Malone
What does Miss Glennon say on announcements every Tuesday?
"I hope everybody had a Tigerific Tuesday!"
What time does the bell ring in the morning?
7:55 am
What is the Fairview mascot?
Who is the student Miss Glennon has had the longest?
What is Miss Stewart's pet husky named?
Kodiak Ice
What is on the wall in the services pod?
What is one of the first things you need to do when you enter the Chill Room?
Tell Miss Melendez where you are coming from and give your number on the stress thermometer
Who is Miss Glennon and Miss Stewart's boss?
Dr. Nies
What is the weirdest thing Miss Glennon has drank her coffee out of this year?
Where can Miss Stewart be found during her plan period (2nd period)?
Mrs. Carrara's room
Who made a guest appearance the day before Christmas break to greet the students?
The Grinch and Max
What teacher in 6th grade is a first year teacher?
Miss White
How many snow days have we had this school year?
What was on Miss Glennon's nails before Christmas? (name at least 2 things)
Santa Clause hat, candy cane, bow, a present
What teacher's room was my classroom in before?
Mrs. Yates
What subject did Dr. Skelly used to teach?
Who is in charge of the cafeteria?
Mrs. Clark
What is the building on campus where all the administrators work?
What is Miss Glennon's duck desk pets name?
What sport did Miss Glennon and Miss Stewart play together as kids?
How many Dojo tickets does Miss Glennon give during PBIS assemblies?
An arms length
How many years has Mr. Ferringer been a principal?
25 years
Who is our new superintendent?
Mr. Stark