Going Downfield on You
Rough and Tough
Dot your i's and cross your t's
Upon Review

Double double formation. Flag down beyond 15 with action on outside receiver, A80. He was held with the ball in the air by B20.

Pass Interference, Defense #20. 15 yard penalty, Automatic First Down


4th/8 B-49.  Kicker is displaced on a punt play by B17. Referee does not have a flag down. Umpire sees action and throws flag. Ball is downed at the B-8 yard line.

Running into the kicker, Defense #17. That penalty is declined. First and 10


1st down. Defender, B60, enters NZ and LT A79 points at defender. Flags down

False Start, Offense #79 Five Yard Penalty, Repeat 1st down.


1st down. ROF is a fumble recovered by defense. There are no WRs in the area. The ball is well behind the LOS. QB A16 insists it's a pass.

Replay buzzes

Reviewing if it's a fumble or pass... 

Replay discussion w/ accompanying announcements.

Example: There is no foul for ING as the ROF is a fumble by the defense. This play is now under replay review.

Example: After review, it's an incomplete pass. Intentional Grounding Offense #16. The ball did not reach the line of scrimmage and there was no receiver in the area. Loss of down at the spot of the foul. It's 2nd down


12 players on defense at snap on a 3rd and 4 play.

Illegal substitution, defense at 12 players on the field at the snap. 5 yard penalty results in a first down.


2nd Down. Trips formation. Ball caught beyond the LOS. Flag down with action by receiver, A15. He made contact on the linebacker which sprung his teammate open for a 20 yard gain.

Pass Interference, Offense #15. 15 yard penalty from the previous spot. Repeat 2nd down


3rd Down

OH by #72

DH by #20

DOF by #95

There are fouls by both teams which will offset. Holding offense #72

Offside defense #95

Holding defense #20

Repeat 3rd down


1st down. Defender, B60, enters NZ and LT A79 reaches and touches the defender. Flags down

False Start, Offense #79 Five Yard Penalty, Repeat 1st down.


2nd down. Interception. Blindside block to head/neck area by B17 on return at B-30.

Replay Aspects...



Punt play. holding by receiving team during kick. KCI by kicking team at B-35. 

Options?  Announcement?


4th/5 on A46.  At the snap B8 pulls OL A40 to the side so teammate B45 can rush the gap.  B19 fair catches at the B18.

Holding, Defense #8.  10 yards from the previous spot, Automatic 1st down


3rd Down @ B-18

DOF #22 

RPS #22 (low hit)

DPI #17 (beyond 15)

There are 3 fouls by the defense

Offside #22 that penalty is declined

PF, Roughing the passer #22, that penalty is declined

Pass Interference #17, 15 yard penalty from the previous spot, Automatic first down.


1st down. Defender, B60, enters NZ and LT A79 reacts by coming out of his stance. Flags down.

Offside, defense #60 entered the NZ causing the offense to react. 5 yard penalty, Repeat 1st Down.


3rd & 6 at A45 pos 5. OH by A4 behind LOS.  QB is hit by B56 as he throws and incomplete pass.

Replay stops game for TGT review..

After review, RO has TGT on B56

What info comes from whom and what is said?

R:  Holding #4 of the offense......The previous play is under review for possible targeting

R:  After review, there are fouls by both teams, which will offset.   Holding on the offense #4, Targeting defense #56......


2nd/5 A40. QB A7 drops back and rolls out of TB to L side.  As he is about to be hit he thrown the pass from A32 that lands at the L's feet at A39.

Go through the process...

INT offense #7.  LOD at the spot of the foul. 3rd down.

3rd/6 at B13 pos 3.  Prior to pass HTF B68.  During pass, flag down for DPI on B6 at the 1 (pos 5).  Pass falls incomplete.

There are 2 fouls on the play, both on the defense.  PF HTF #68, that penalty is declined. Pass interference defense #6, the ball will be placed at the 2 yard line. automatic 1st down

(pos 3)


4th/5 on A46.  At the snap B8 pulls snapper A43 to the ground by his facemask. B19 signals for a fair catch and is hit in the head/neck area by A2 at the B18.  After hitting B19, the ball is recovered by A2 at the B10.

There are fouls by both teams, which will offset.

Roughing the snapper, receiving team #8...KCI with TGT, kicking team #2.  Repeat 4th down.

The previous play is under review.


1st down. Defender, B60, claps to get his DL to shift.  A79 reacts by coming out of his stance. Flags down.

Delay of game on the defense #60, using disconcerting signals causing the offense to react.  5 yards, repeat 1st down.


4th/5 A-45.  Punt is caught by B9 at B19 and he is hit and stumbles at the B-25, regains his balance and continues to the B-35.  ROF is runner was NOT down at B-25.  1st/10 B-35.

A Coach wants to challenge the runner's knee down.

Replay stops game and reverses ROF.  Runner's knee was down at A-25.

What is conversation? +250pts for acting out



What food is Rob allergic to?

