The place where charts are pended.
This escalation is completed when the last Scheduling Date is able to be adjusted.
What is Push out request?
You contact LID 365751 and reach Stacy the contact for Medical Records. Stacy states “I am sick of multiple phone calls from Change Healthcare. I have 10 Satellite Offices that I handles records for. All the locations need to be combined to the main location.” Stacy provides you with a reference number (LID). Upon reviewing the LID provided you see it is a Large Volume Site.
What is P-i24?
Office Requires patient release.
What is Explain that the patient signed a release when they signed up with the Health Plan and we are conducting this review on their behalf ?
This person is included in the comments.
What is the Contact?
This template is filled out when the office has a new address that does not populate in OPM.
What is New LID Request?
You contact a site where the contact for Medical Records advises you, “Our office policy prohibits the staff from speaking to any one on a recorded line.”
What is P-1?
Contact states Member is not a patient.
What is Does this provider practice here
provide the claim date if available (If no and the provider did not see patient at satellite office or hospital)
Does this provider practice at another location? (if yes - Could patient's chart be at other location? Get forwarding information and chase)
This pend comment must include the last scheduling date that the site is unable to comply by.
What is P-1?
Scheduling notes are included in the body of the email when sending this template.
What is New LID Request?
You contact LID 69875 and speak to April the contact for Medical Records about two past due office charts. April states “I have the request; however, I will not send the charts until I have the specific dates of service for each chart.” You give April the date range being requested. April again refuses stating “I need the date of service before I can process the request.”
What is P-i1d?
The POS is incorrect for this location.
What is Do you have any forwarding information for where (POS) charts may be located for Dr(s) listed?
This pend comment includes Site does not have OF POS charts for provider.
What is P-i3?
This template is filled out when a Mail appointment is set and the contact accepts for the package to be tracked back to Change healthcare.
What is the inbound FedEX label template?
You contact LID 25484 and speak to Janet, the contact for Medical Records, to schedule a Risk Adjustment Review for 5 office charts. While verifying the patients with Janet she states, “One of the patients is not a member.” You ask, “Does the provider practice at another satellite office or hospital?” Janet replies, “No this is the only location that the provider practices at and the patient is not in our system.”
What is P-2?
Contact won't work with Change Healthcare.
What is explain we have a Business Associate Agreement with the Health Plan, giving us the right to collect the chart copies on the Health Plan’s behalf?
This pend comment will automatically populate in the chart level when the appointment is set.
What is P-6?
This number has to be included in most of the templates.
What is the LID number?
Prior to contacting the site you research the additional comments in LID 67832. The additional comments state that the site was Scheduled on 3/24 for a fax appointment, on 03/27 a spoke with contact comment was made, and on 4/1 a voice mail was left but charts were not received.
What is P-4C?
Office is not contracted with this Health Plan.
What is We are looking for past information. Were you contracted at that time (give date range)?
This pend comment includes that One valid attempt was made, but now the follow up attempts have multiple no answer no voicemail.
What is P-4a
You contact LID 741369 and speak to Cameron, the contact for Medical Records, to schedule 10 office charts for the Health Plan Blue Cross Blue Shield of IL. However, Cameron advises that they Do Not Accept BCBSIL. You advise Cameron that we are looking for past information. You provide the date range BCBSIL is requesting chart copies for. Cameron states “Our office was never contracted with the BCBSIL during the requested time frame.
What is P-5?
This Pend comment includes the "Site scheduled twice".
What is P-4C?
While reviewing LID 987216 you notice in additional comments on 9/09, 9/10 & 9/11 No Answer/No Voicemail was selected from the list of drop down dispositions. There is a brief comment that states that the phone continuously rings with no answer. When you place a call to phone number provided for the site it continuously rings as well.
What is P-i3?
This Pend Comment includes three valid attempts and dates of the attempts, but no appointment was schedule.
What is P-4b?
You contact LID 45678 and speak to Tony, the contact for Medical Records. Tony states the Health Plan owes them $20,000 in unpaid claims. You explain to Tony, Change Health Care is a 3rd party company contracted with the Health Plan to retrieve medical record copies on their behalf. You explain that Change Health Care does not work directly for the requesting Health Plan. You provide Tony with a Health Plan contact number that is listed within the site documents (Provider Introduction Letter). Tony states “The Office will not process the request until the Health Plan pays the claim.”
What is P-1b?
This pend comment includes the affiliated LV/SH LID.
What is P-i24?
LID 991999 is on your list to call, before calling you review the notes to look for attempts. You find we spoke with the contact 3 weeks ago. We have called 3 additional times since speaking with the contact. All 3 attempts resulted in a busy signal (No Answer/No Voicemail).
What is P-4a?
When calling LID 514978 Stacy, the contact for Medical Records, states “Our office charges $30.00 per Chart.” The Requesting Health Plan only pays $15.00 per Chart.
What is P-6?