What color is a baby emperor penguin chick
Nope. Wolves don’t live in Antarctica
True or false: king penguins are the largest species
False: emperor penguins are the largest species averaging 4ft
Where do Galapagos penguins live?
The Galápagos Islands
how tall is the average emperor penguin?
What is 4ft
King penguin
Large fish
No. Large fish are only food to penguins, they wouldn’t last long as pescatarian.
Antarctica is the territory of Australia because it is nearest to it
false. Antarctica does not belong to any one country or continent except the penguins
Where do African penguins live?
What is the smallest species of penguin.
a. Blue penguin b. Adeli c. magelenic d. king penguin
Blue penguin
are macaroni penguin chicks born with their unique tufts?
Polar bear
No. Polar bears do not live in Antarctica
There are currently between 30 and 35 penguin species in existence right now
False. There are unfortunately only 17 to 19 species
Which is the flag for antarctica
a. 🇦🇶 b.🇪🇪 c.🇨🇾 d.🇫🇲
Heaviest recorded penguin (if you guess the right 100 your team gets a point)
Roughly 340 pounds
Magelenic baby
Elephant seal
Yes it is a predator.
In the movie The March of the Penguins thepenguin mainly shown is the emperor.
True. The emperor penguin is the main Penguin shown in the movie.
Where do magelenic penguins live?
Islands surrounding Antarctica but not Antarctica.
Lightest penguin ever recorded
Around 30 pounds
Adeli baby
Are Humans predators to penguins?
Yes, humans cause oil spills and climate change causing many penguin deaths
Seals are the main predator to penguins
False. Orcas or killer wales are the main predators to penguins
Where do king penguins live?
Antarctica and islands near by.
About how tall is the largest recorded penguin
About 6ft 2in