Principal & Assistant Principal at Pennington
Who are Dr. White & Ms. Hopkins?
Pennington's Mascot
What is a Pennington Panther?
For Attendance Records
Who is Ms. Hiland?
Superintendent of MVCSD
Who is Dr. Kim Smith?
Dr. White & Ms. Hopkins nicknames
Head Security Guard at Pennington
Who is Officer Brower?
Pennington's (optional) uniform
What is a maroon shirt and khaki pants/skirt?
For social-emotional support
Who is Ms. Gentile?
3 High Schools in Mount Vernon
What are:
-Mount Vernon High School
-MV STEAM Academy
-Denzel Washington School of Arts
Pennington is top ranked in the district for...
What is I-Ready?
Parent Liason at Pennington
Who is Mrs. Valdovinos?
Pennington's school colors
What are blue and gold?
For academic progress and concerns
Who is your child's classroom teacher?
Square miles of Mount Vernon
What is 4 square miles?
Number of Students at Pennington
What is 454 students?
As of January 2025
Head Custodian at Pennington
Who is Mr. Burns?
Pennington P.R.I.D.E. stands for
What is
(We are Pennington PRIDE)
For medical questions or updates
Who is Nurse Joseph?
A Board Trustee on the MVCSD board
Who is
- Adriane Saunders, President
-Sabina Kelley, Vice President
-Lorna Kirwan
-Wanda White
-Helene Thompson-Njenga
-Warren Mitchell II
-Dr. Lynne Middleton
-Dr. Donna Marable
-Chris McDonough, Ph.D.
PTA President
Who is Dr. Bethany Leddy?
A Lunch Monitor at Pennington
Who is:
Ms. Rasheeda
Ms. Kim
Ms. Danielle
Ms. T
Ms. Sheila
Pennington's theme for the 2024-2025 school year
What is "Better Together in Academic Success"?
For Questions about IEPs or 504s
Who is Mrs. Lafontant-Alexandre?
MVCSD graduate who won the gold medal for track in 2024
Who is Rai Benjamin?
Principal of the Year in 2023-2024 for MVCSD
Who is Dr. White?