What floor of Penta is the Student Service's office on?
First Floor
Does the cafeteria serve breakfast?
Yes! From 7:30-8:10
What is the abbreviation for the Student Affairs Office?
Penta has a director.
A director means the same thing as ________.
(HINT: who was in charge at your homeschool)
A principal
What time does school begin?
Where can I find my homeschool's daily announcements?
The Bulletin Boards outside the Student Services office.
What is one way I can pay for my lunch?
Cash, Check, Student Account
If I am late to school where do I go?
Student Affairs Office
Who are your math and science teachers?
Ms. Kurtz
Ms. Toth
Is your career tech lab in the morning or afternoon?
Block A and B: Morning
Block C and D: Afternoon
Why would I go to the Student Services office?
To meet with my counselor
What qualifies as a complete lunch?
1 entree and 2 sides (fruits or vegetables)
If I have to leave school early, what do I need to bring to the Student Affairs Office?
A note stating what time you need to leave
Who is the director of Penta?
Mr. Kurtz
If Penta is on a 2 hour delay what time does school start?
Can anyone on your team name their school counselor?
Pull up the list!
If I think I qualify for Free and Reduced lunch, where do I pick up the application to take home?
Mrs. Yosick
Any Cashier
Student Services Office
Who do I give the pink permission slip to when I am leaving school early?
The teacher whose class I am leaving early
Who is the assistant director of Penta?
Mr. Lee
Where do you wait for the bell to ring in the morning?
The cafeteria
What may have the Student Services office been called at my homeschool?
The Guidance Office
How many hot lunch entrees are there per day?
3 hot entrees
Plus the cold deli/salad line
When I am late to school what do I have to do at the Student Affairs Office?
Sign my name on a paper
What is the name of our school nurse?
Mrs. Gurney
What time does the bell ring in the morning to dismiss you to your locker?