King Abimelech wanted to get with this fine "sister."
Who was Sarah?
Pu'ah performed this work, not in fear of the king, but in fear of the true God.
What is Midwife?
For the Communion meal, only Jehovah was served this portion of the food.
What is Fat?
This ripe product on Aaron's staff was a sign to the rebellious Israelites.
What is Almonds?
It's the age of Moses at the time of his death.
What is 120 years?
It was the first policy issued for flood insurance.
What is the Rainbow Covenant?
This ninth plague was so effective, the Egyptians couldn't even see it.
What is Darkness?
The priests were not allowed to eat any of the sin offering if this part was brought into the Holy place.
What is Blood?
This is the place where Aaron died.
What is Mount Hor?
Jehovah told his people not to forget to perform this military act. (Later, King Saul would be rejected as King because he forgot [1Sam.15:20-23])
What is completely destroy the Amalekites.
This is what first came into view on day three of creation.
What is dry land?
These two "hold-up" men "robbed" the Amalekites of victory by keeping Moses' arm raised.
Who were Aaron and Hur?
(Ex. 17:8-13)
This basic food ingredient had to be added to anything prepared as an offering to Jehovah.
What is Salt?
The successful legal case brought by these women set a precedent in the Law for hereditary possession.
Who were the daughters of Zelophehad?
It's the number of Cities of Refuge Moses established on the eastern side of the Jordan River.
What is three?
Shem Ham and Japheth were never allowed to play with these "fellers".
Who were the Nephilim?
When the Israelite diners hated what was on the menu, Jehovah had this protein specially flown in.
What is Quail?
This part of the High Priest's wardrobe was called "the holy sign of dedication."
What is "the shining plate of gold on the front of his turban?
They were the spies who brought good news from the promised land.
Who were Joshua and Caleb?
This generation of descendants of Egyptians living among the Israelites were finally allowed into the congregation of Jehovah.
What is the Third Generation?
After the waters of the flood receded, the Ark came to rest in this location.
What are the mountains of Ararat?
(Gen. 8:4)
It was he who carved out the second set of tablets after Moses shattered the first ones.
Who is Moses? (Jehovah wrote on them)
(Ex. 34:1,4)
When installed as priests, it was this part of their heads that Aaron and his sons received the blood of the ram of installation.
What is the right earlobe?
These two sons of High Priest Aaron never had any sons of their own.
Who were Nadab and Abihu?
(Num. 3:4)
Upon their testimony, an accused person is convicted and a matter is established.
What are two or three witnesses?
(Deut. 19:15)
Abraham was, at heart, a one man woman. After the death of Sarah, he married this woman, who bore him six sons.
Who was Keturah?
(Gen. 25:1,2)
In the wilderness, the Israelites would do this whenever the cloud lifted over the tabernacle
What is break camp?
(Ex. 40:36)
The seventh day of the week, an Israelite was to perform no work on this day.
What is the Sabbath?
The Tent of the Testimony was also called by this familiar name.
What is the tabernacle?
(Num. 9:15)
Parents must do this with God's word with their children, meaning, to repeat them to , or to impress them upon.
What is "inculcate?"
(Deut. 6:6,7)
When Esau realized his father Isaac didn't like his Canaanite wives, naturally, he went out and got a another wife. This time he married the daughter of this man.
Who was Ishmael?
(Gen. 28:6-9)
Perhaps the worst Kool-Aid flavor in history: it was made with this powder.
What is crushed, burnt golden calf?
The Israelites could not enjoy ham because the pig does not chew this.
What is cud?
(Lev. 11:7)
This uniform clothing style would remind the Israelites that they belonged to Jehovah.
What is a fringed edge with a blue string?
The promised land was fertile, rich. Jehovah described it poetically as flowing with these.
What is milk and honey?
(Deut. 11:9)
The very practice of Jacob and his family that made him so prosperous was the thing that made the Egyptians turn up their noses.
What is sheep herding?
(Gen. 46:34)
Without a sheep to redeem it, a firstborn male donkey received this, under the Law.
What is a broken neck? (Even the unclean firstborn domestic animal belonged to Jehovah but could not be offered as a sacrifice.)
(Ex. 13:11-13)
Hmmmm! Cricket casserole! Clean or unclean?
What is clean?
(Lev. 11:22)
It was forbidden for such a man to eat raisins.
What is a Nazirite?
(Num. 6:2-4)
This had to be built around the roof of a house to avoid bloodguilt.
What is a parapet?
(Deut. 22:8)
To test his brothers, Joseph arranged for this brother to leave Egypt with contraband in his bag.
Who was Benjamin?
(Gen. 44:12)
How time flies! By the time they left Egypt, the sons of Jacob had been living there this many years.
What is 430?
(Ex. 12:40,41)
On the Day of Atonement the high priest was to spatter goat's blood on the altar of burnt offering with his finger this many times.
What is seven?
(Lev. 16:19)
Miriam, sister of Moses, was struck with leprosy. Jehovah made her quarantine outside the camp of Israel this long.
What is seven days?
(Num. 12:14,15)
Jehovah chose this man to succeed Moses and lead the people across the Jordan River, into the promised land.
Who was Joshua?
(Deut. 31:14)
He was Jacob's firstborn son.
Who was Reuben?
(Gen. 35:23;49:3)
The fourth plague on Egypt, gadflies, did not appear in the land settled by the sons of Jacob, known by this name.
What is Goshen?
(Ex. 8:22,23)
It is on this day that a male child among the Israelites was to be circumcised.
What is the eighth day?
(Lev. 12:3)
Balaam was hired by Balak, the king of this people, to curse the Israelites.
Who were the Moabites?
(Num. 22:4b-6)
Under the Law, a newly married man was exempt from this obligation for one year.
What is the army/military service?
(Deut. 24:5)