How many founders started PEO?
What is 7.
Number of women PEO has helped
35 words
What is the length of the PEO oath written by Alice Bird
A convention of International Chapter is held how frequently?
What is every 2 years.
$432 million dollars
What is the amount of educational assistance PEO has given to date.
Where women m________, e__________, & c________
What is motivate, educate & celebrate
The 3 purposes of PEO.
What is Friendship, Education & Charity
Over your heart
Where the P.E.O. pin is worn?
They are members of the International Chapter.
What is all members.
Chapter A
What was the first P.E.O. chapter?
6 philanthropies and a foundation
What PEO is comprised of
The 5 PEO virtues.
What are Truth, Love Justice, Purity, & Faith
What famous person carried his aunt's PEO charm somewhere special?
Who is Buzz Aldrin