What is the year P.E.O. Sisterhood founded
A convention of International Chapter is held this frequently
What is biennially or every 2 years
Suggested starting P.E.O. and became 1st treasurer
Who was Hattie Briggs
The quorum needed to hold regular meeting
What is 7.
The designated flower of P.E.O.
What is the Marguerite daisy
Who are the original Founders
The first P.E.O. president
Who was Alice Bird
The number necessary to sponsor a candidate before balloting on membership
What is 3
The youngest founder whose art is displayed at P.E.O. Centennial Center
Who was Franc Roads
The book that gives the history of the founders
What is "Out of the Heart"
Suggested the star for the symbol and was the first VP
Who was Alice Coffin
This enables a member moving to a new location to be accepted into a local chapter
What is a transfer.
The five virtues of the P.E.O. star
What are truth, love, justice, purity, and faith
The purpose of the P.E.O. organization
What is Friendship, Educational, Charitable.
Was the first secretary and only one who did not graduate from Iowa Wesleyan
The length of time one must be a member before sponsoring a name for membership to our local chapter
What is one year.
This founder was an outstanding musician
Who was Suela Pearson
The founder who wrote a rudimentary constitution which became basis for Objects and Aims
Who was Alice Bird
The first P.E.O. meeting was held at this founder’s home
Who was Mary Allen
Central goal of all local chapters
What is support of women’s education and empowerment
This founder’s pin, which can be seen at P.E.O. Centennial Center, is the only one still in existence
Who was Ella Stewart