Animal Blake grew up collecting figurines of.
What are eagles?
Blake's Mom's first name.
Who is Mona?
Madi's Grandpa Rose saw a horror movie around 70 years ago. This animal was released in the theater AND is the name of movie he went to see. What was the animal?
What is The Birds?
The phrase, "here's my number, do what you want with it", was said by this person.
Who is Madi?
Place where Blake proposed to Madi.
What is Medieval Times?
Food Madi and Blake grew up eating: usually at their grandmother's homes.
What is a grilled cheese/toasted cheese sandwich?
Number of siblings Madi has.
What is six? (1 biological, 2 step siblings, and 3 adopted siblings).
Blake sent Madi a selfie of him and this animal to impress her before they started dating.
What is a lemur?
Madi and Blake celebrated their third anniversary at this festival.
What is the Mothman Festival?
State where Blake's Dad currently lives.
What is North Dakota?
Board game Blake grew up playing at his Mum's house.
What is Parcheesi?
Madi's Grandpa Juncker worked for this organization for over 40 years.
What is the FFA (Future Farmers of America)?
Highest number of cats that have lived in the Rose/Necessary household at one time.
What is 7?
Place where Madi and Blake worked together.
What is Plato's Closet?
Madi and Molly joke that they have a cousin that looks like this actor.
Who is Timothee Chalamet?
Sport Madi participated in from grades 5-9.
What is swimming?
This is the country Madi's great-great-grandparents immigrated from. Madi's cousin is named after the town where her family lived (Calabria).
Name of Madi and Molly's family cat.
Who is Jack?
Matching tattoo that Madi and Blake have.
What is a lightning bolt?
Blake's first concert was seeing this musician.
Who is Charlie Daniels?
TV show that hosted an acting camp that Madi attended at the age of 10.
What is Cory in the House?
The first of Blake's ancestors to immigrate to America were two brothers from Ireland. This was their original last name.
What is Essary?
Lauren was found in the engine of Blake's car. Blake named Lauren after a song that was playing by this band.
Who are Prince Daddy and the Hyenas?
Madi and Blake added an extra day onto their roadtrip during Summer 2024 to see this attraction.
What is the Cheese Castle?
Blake was invited to go with Madi's family to this state for a family vacation.
What is Florida?