The Artist
The Innovators
The Soldiers made this Happen

These men moved out west after the Civil War, and found equal pay and treatment.

Who are the black cowboys of Texas?


This method of exaggerated reporting of the Cuban rebellion led to the United States becoming involved in the war. 

What is yellow journalism?


This inventor created a method to rotate different crops in the fields of southern farmers order to prevent the depilation of nutrients in the soil.  

Who is George Washington Carver?


After winning the Spanish-American War, America gained these three territories.  

What is Guam, Philippines, and Puerto Rico?


This president built the Panama Canal.

Who is Theodore Roosevelt?  

The workers in this city were usually meat packers that processed the cattle from Texas then sent it on to the East Coast.

What is Chicago?


This bearded man wearing a red, white and blue was a cartoon character created to encourage patriotism in America as we entered World War I.

Who is Uncle Sam?


This man invented something that allowed for the improvement of long distance communication, and led to worldwide communication.

Who is Alexander Graham Bell?

This German weaponry was introduced in World War I and was the cause of the Lusitania sinking.

What is a U-Boat?


This president was elected under the promise that America would stay neutral and isolated during World War I, but then the attack on the Lusitania caused America to commit to the Allies. 

Who is Woodward Wilson?


Immigrants that were originally born in European countries and would eventually become essential in the production of factories, first came through this important immigration port.

Where is Ellis Island?


Langston Hughes is famous for this 

What is being a poet during the Harlem Renaissance?


The Wright Brothers invented the first motorized flight, which eventually led to these two advancements.

What is commercial flight, and space exploration?


The Germans lost World War I, and these three punishments stated in the Treaty of Versailles may have led to Hitler being able to come to power in post-war Germany since the country was in such dire economic troubles.  

What are lose of territories, pay millions in damages, and decreased military?


This man was president when the Soviet Union fell.  He told Gorbachev to tear down that wall, referring to the tearing down of the Berlin Wall. 

Who is Ronald Reagan? 


Immigrants usually came to this city to work in factories that produced steel.

What is Pittsburgh?


This writer told the tale of a woman surviving during the Civil War which helped to be a distraction for Americans during the Great Depression.

Who is Maraget Mitchell?


The term given to a process that has a worker to focus on a specific job on the assembly line which helps them to make cars more quickly and efficiently.

What is specialization?

US Soldiers fought with UN soldiers for this country in order to contain communism. This was the first conflict that the United States fought in the Cold War.

What is South Korea?


This president served the most terms and was present during the crucial times of the Great Depression and World War II?

Who is Franklin Roosevelt?


Henry Fords assembly line allowed for quicker production of cars, which in turn allowed for more Americans to own cars.  How did this change America?

What is allow people to live further away from where they worked?


This man was a jazz composer and piano player during the Great Depression.

Who is Duke Ellington?


This man made the first transatlantic flight.

Who is Charles Lindbergh?


After the 9/11 attacks on America, the United States made these changes.

What is became stricter on security for air travel?


This president was assassinated a year into his presidency and Lyndon B Johnson was then sworn in.

Who is John F. Kennedy?
