Patron Saint of Animals
Who is St. Francis
Water, Crism oil
What is Baptism.
What is Poland.
Lent lasts for this many days.
What is 40.
He is the patron Saint of World Youth Day
Who is St. John Paul, II
We need to place our _____ in God as we hope for things.
What is trust.
Rings, vows
What is Matrimony
He was Pope for how many years?
What is 27.
What do we remember during Lent?
What is Jesus' Passion.
You may pray to this saint if you've lost something
Who is Saint Anthony
______ is a very powerful tool we all have and can use at any time.
What is prayer.
Bread, Wine
What is Holy Commnunion
In his first homily as Pope, what was his message to his flock.
What is "Be Not Afraid".
The color of the vestments worn by the priest during lent.
What is Purple.
Heavenly Father of Jesus
Attending Mass on Sunday is an _________ for us all.
What is an obligation.
Penance, Forgiveness
What is Reconciliation.
A remarkable act that Pope John Paul,II did following an assissation attempt on his life?
What is he forgave his assassin in prison.
What is the Triduum?
She took care of the poorest and the sickest people in the 3rd world.
Who is St. Theresa of Calcutta
The _____________ is reenacted at every Mass.
What is The Last Supper
Crism, Holy Spirit
What is Confirmation.
He helped this US President in the falling of the Berlin Wall.
Who is President Ronald Regan
We celebrate this at the end of Lent.
What is Jesus' resurrection/Easter.