The number of stage areas we typically use and what they are called
What is 9:
Theatre layout with audience on one side and an arch opening
Bonus - theatre layout with audience on one side with no arch opening
What is proscenium?
(Pros [get it?] and cons)
Bonus - End Stage
Things you might ask to get to know the space
This is a long list
Scenery gets built here
Scenic Studio (Shop)
If it is attached to the stage it may become part of backstage/storage
Folks you encounter in relation to the Scenic Studio
TD, ATD, Head Carp (Shop Supervisor), Painters, Designer, Props
The reason we use Upstage/Downstage
What is early stages were raked and actors were actually walking either up or down a ramp
Acting area downstage of a proscenium arch
Theatre that takes place in a non-traditional space, often related to the performance location
What is Site Specific Theatre?
(Pros & Cons; Digital)
Costumes are constructed here
Costume Studio (shop)
Folks you might encounter in the costume studio
Costume Manager (here TD), Draper, Designer, Wardrobe
The way stage directions are determined
Directions are based on the performers perspective when facing the audience
SL & SR - performers L & R
US & DS - Up away from Audience Down toward Audience
A theatre space that can be arranged in a variety of ways
What is a flexible space? (Blackbox is acceptable in this case)
(Pros & Cons)
List at least 3 challenges you might encounter in outdoor theatre
What are temperature/weather, Daylight/Nighttime, Permanence, storage, animals
At least three things you should know about dressing rooms
How many there are (and how many people fit in each)
How are they setup
How do you get to them
Person who manages the overal financial functions of a theatrical organization - they hire/fire, sign paychecks, and typically have final say over all decisions
Who is the Producer?
Words to describe a location or direction of movement relative to a given object in the horizontal (left/right) plane.
Also used to delineate the acting area from the wings
What are onstage/offstage of?
Theatre layout that has audience on 3 sides of a stage that extends out into the house
What is Thrust?
(Pros and Cons)
The area of the theatre that is not the stage/backstage
The stage manager typically calls the show from here
What is the Booth? (Calling station)
Sometimes back of house, sometimes backstage; May be shared with board ops and/or follow spots
Need to know about monitors/line of sight to the stage, whether it is enclosed or open (calling volume), & communication
Person who maintains the artitic vision of the theatre company's season and individual productions
Who is the artistic director?
Taking a natural position and opening it toward the audience
What is Cheating out
Theatre layout with audience on all sides
Bonus - special name for spaces where every row of seats is on a different level
What is Arena? (In the round is an acceptable answer)
Bonus - What is Stadium?
(Pros & Cons)
The area where important documents are posted including the sign-in sheet & daily call
Bonus - where should be be located
What is the callboard?
Bonus - Ideally somewhere central
At least 4 things you should find out about the rehearsal space and who might you encounter there
What are
How does it compare to the stage space, where are the nearest restrooms, is it a shared space, do we own it or is it rented, how are prop and costume storage handled, any special instructions
Director, Music Director, Choreographers, Dramaturg, Asst. Stage Manager, Accompanist, Performers
Folks you might encounter in the electrics area
Who are the Head Electrician, Asst. HE, Asst./Assoc. Designer, Designer, Board Op