Phone Scenarios

Stacey is a new hire who has not started work yet. She can’t get in Workday to complete her tasks that have been assigned to her. How can you help her?

1. Pull her up in WD to see if she has a candidate profile or her new hire profile

2. If she is good to go, we will go to reset her password in WD

3. We will only reset her password if she still has her numerical ID instead of her actual EID. 

4. IF you cannot reset password- look to see if her service dates have been accepted. If they have not contact Yvette (or Teia if Yvette is out) to approve the service dates.

5. If they have a candidate profile connect the new hire and TAP 


What is our new email address?

When will we warm transfer? 
To anyone inside of HR (benefits, ER, HR Ops)

not: Payroll, EH, IT, Vendors 

Exception: sometimes IT when the call needs to be directed back to them we will stay on the line


A new hire is calling about their benefits. What do we do? 

We tell them about benefits for my world, send them the new hire blurb and attach the KB articles to the email. 

If they are ready to make their elections, we walk them through it! 


Hope is a team member whose Great Aunt (who she grew up living with) passed away and she is requesting Bereavement leave for the funeral. Her manager has denied her request and she would like to know what her options are. How can you help her?

Contact her HRBP and see if they will approve this exemption.

We will contact the HRBP from our personal email then let the TM know the answer via askHR


If its your day in the que, what are the expectations? 

That you respond to all emails that come in and if there are no emails in the que you are actively working on, then you are in READY on the phones to take calls.

If you get overwhelmed, please let us know and you will then drag and drop emails into our WFA folder for our team to complete. We want to help you!! 

Once you respond to an email you will drag it into the DONE folder

Because we do not have project time, you will be focused on these emails (PSLF, VOEs, ext.) your day in the que 


The call needs to go to ER. What do you do? 

1. Find the HRBP of the TM

2. Find the ER partner and call them directly. 

3. If they are not available post in PP chat for them 

4. If they are not call over to the main ER line 

5. If no one is available get contact info of TM and send email to the ER Partner from askHR and connect them with the TM. 


How does the Benefits, ER and Hr Ops team(s) want phone calls? 

Benefits: they will all be in ready to take a call. However, they are doing an alpha split. Call that TM if they are busy, call the main line and get whoever is ready

ER: call the person who is supporting the TMs HRBP. If they are not ready then call the main ER lin e

HR Ops: message the HR Ops TM on teams to take the call, if they do not answer then send an email their way 


Christina is the wife of Dr. Peters. She is calling in to find out what benefits Dr. Peters currently has. She insists that she has called in before and we shared all his information with her! She is demanding that you help her and that her husband is not available to speak with us to give permission to speak with her, He is a very busy doctor!! How can you help her?  

Refer her to benefits for my world

ask her husband to email from his work email permission to speak with her 

IF this is not enough, get someone on the benefits team on the line


How does the ER and Benefits team want email escalations? 

ER: put in the ER folder 

Benefits: forward to 


Someone is calling about a Payroll issue. What do we do? 

1. We inform them that Payroll is now its own entity.

 2. Tell them where they can place a case / their phone number

3. See if you can help them. If you cannot send them the link to Payrolls case system via askHR and direct transfer them to the Payroll line. 

A candidate is calling. What do we do? 

-want to upload a new resume

-accepted their role / want to accept their role 

tell them to go back to the careers website and check there. they can also email

If they have accepted their role, connect them and their TAP via email 

If they are having a hard time with their application (uploading a new resume)- email


Kacey is a Practice Manager who needs assistance with putting in a job requisition because she is a new manager and has never had to submit a requisition before. How can you help her?

Starting June 1st, their HRBP/TAP will help them with this request. For the first few weeks of our new model, we are going to want to help our TM / Managers but let them know where they need to go after. You can walk Kacey through the process, but in the end let her know that the next manager requests she gets will go through her HRBP! Please give Kacey the name of her HRBP and email. You can also look up who her TAP is. 


How do we handle PSLF, Bereavement Flower, Driver Approval, Epic Testing, EXT going forwarding? 

Because we will not be having project time, if its your day in the que you will be responsible for those forms. Please note Jeri Lynn is still assisting with these inquires so we will drag some into the HR Specialist folder. 

Yvette and Jeri Lynn are in that folder. Driver approval go into that folder as well 


Manager "I already spoke with my HRBP about this FTE change but nothing has happened."

Find who the HR Ops partner is of that HRBP. Contact that HR Ops TM via Teams / phone if they are not available, connect the HR Ops TM, HRBP and Manager via askHR email 


When do we escalate a benefits call? 

We should be answering any questions a TM has regarding benefits. If they have any leave questions, you can escalate or anything we cannot see in WD. If there is a complex issue you do not feel comfortable, post in our WFA chat to see if someone knows the answer. If we do not then call over to the benefits team! 


Mary is a Respiratory Therapist who has worked for PH for 34 years. She is nearing her retirement and wants to know the steps to take to proceed with her plans. She needs to know the length of notice she needs to give and how to do that. She also wants to know about her benefits and what happens to them when she leaves. How can you help her?

We will provide Mary with a link to policy tech and inform her that the policy will detail the notice period for her. IF they continue to ask questions and it is not cut and dry, call our ER team to verify. If they do not know we can contact the HRBP. 

in regards to her benefits- provide her with benefits for my world site, send her an email with the phone numbers of our vendors so she has that handy. Inform her of when her benefits will term / her PTOT (if applicable) 

What is the process for the below:

1. If a manager has a question

2. If a TM has a question that needs to go to their HRBP? 

1. Forward the request to their HRBP via askHR and connect the manager with them

2. forward the request to the HRBP from your personal email but not the TM. Once you get the response from the HRBP, please let the TM know. 


When do we post in the People Portal chat? 

You should always look at the phone que first. Never post in the chat without checking to see if someone is ready from that team. If they are ready, call over to the team. 

Only post in the chat if no one is ready! 


When would we use our personal email vs askHR

personal: to ask HRBP a question / a team a question that is for a TM and not manager

askHR: everything else
