Hall directors
What is Rachel Ward & Jason Thomas
Services available
What is 1 on 1 Free Personal Counseling
Website for appointments
What is Navigate
Oversees level 1 Appeals
Location of Hall Directors
What is McConnell Hall
Assistant Director of Student Life
What is Aaliyah Navarro
The location Counseling Services
What is SAGE 390A
Location of Academics Office
What is McConnell hall
Oversees level 2&3 Appeals
What is Hall Directors
How to Submit a Work Order
What is Speak with your RA
Assistant Dean for Student Life
What is Ben Warren
Website for getting appointments
What is Navigate
Academic Counselor
What is Francine Hazy & Kit Shattuck
What is a away to explain and a chance to reduce your points
The place to sign up for appeal
What is McConnell Front Desk
Student & Program Specialist
Haley Myers
Graduate student Counselors
What is Cassandre Jean-Ceide & McKenzie Watson
Senior Academic Counselor
What is Sydney McKinnis
Oversees level 4 Appeals
What is Aaliyah Navarro
Quiet hours Structure
What is 3 in 30
Administrative Specialists (Full Time Desk Staff)
Raynelyn Vaskova
Academy Psychologist
What is Dr. Patrick Turnock
Senior Program Project Coordinator (point person for College questions)
What is Dr. Jarred Stewart
Oversees level 5 Appeals
Ben warren
Why is Mac Cafe called Mac Cafe
What is it used to be the dining area for Tams Students