How to Act When Selling
What if a customer...
Handling customers
Cookie Challenges

Should I run up to customers and yell so they can hear me?

No...speak loudly and keep a safe distance from customers.


A customer says "I don’t have cash."

Tell them Girl Scouts take credit cards!


I'd like to buy a few packages for my wife. She loves chocolate.

She might like: thin mints, tagalongs (with peanut butter), or a chocolate drizzle with a Samoa

A customer says "I'm sorry but we don't have any money right now"

Say "have a nice day" with a smile

What can customers do if they don't want to buy cookies?

They can donate to your hometown hero or make a gift of caring (that is sent to the military)


What should you wear when selling?

Something that identifies you are a Girl Scout: your uniform, membership pin, a girl scout shirt.


You have a customer who can't eat the cookies because of dietary restrictions.

You tell them they can buy a box for your troop to donate to your Hometown Hero (and know what your troops is)


Your customer asks you what you're going to do with the money you make selling cookies.

Tell them your goal, tell them what your troop will do with money you make

Your customer says "I already bought some from a person at work."

Thank them for supporting Girl Scouts!


You want to go around your neighborhood to sell cookies, but your mom isn't around to go with you. What can you do?

Wait for an adult to go with you.  You can't sell alone.


What should you say after customers buy cookies?

Say thank you and tell them to have a nice day! Use manners!


You have an angry customer, who is very rude when you ask them if they want to buy cookies. What do you do?

Tell them "have a nice day" and smile


Your customer says "I’m gluten-free."

Tell them our Toffee-tasitcs are gluten free!


A customer says "I’m a vegan."

Tell them our Thin Mints are Vegan!


You're delivering 7 boxes of cookies to your neighbor. She gives you a $50 bill.

Say "Your total is $28". Count back their change of $22 into their hand.


Can you friend who is not a Girl Scout sell cookies with you?

You can sell with another Girl Scout but its best to not sell with other girls besides your adult.


Your customer isn't sure she needs any cookies. What is the best way to get people to buy cookies?

Tell them your favorie kind, tell them they can donate a box to hometown heroes, 


A customer gives you a $20 bill and wants 4 boxes that are the $4 varieties.  What can you do?

Remind them they can get 5 boxes for the $20 and see if you can get another box sold.

You're selling cookies at the Booth Sale. People are walking by, but not buying anything. What can you do?

Speak up and say "Want to Buy Some Cookies?"


How does a customer use a credit card to buy cookies?

Make sure you download the digital cookie app and set up your sales platform online before cookie season starts so you will be ready to use credit cards. 


What can you do if a customer in your neighborhood is not home?

Come back again or leave a cookie order form on their door!  You can find many types online or make your own!


A customer says "I have a peanut allergy so I can't eat the cookies."

Tell them about the kinds without peanut butter: thin mints, Samoas, s'mores, toffee, trefoils; customers should not have lemons or the peanut butter ones with a peanut allergy


You have a list of customers from last year.  What should you do with the list?

Call the previous years’ customers on the first day of the sale.  Say “Last year, you were kind enough to order x Thin Mints, x peanut butter patties, (etc). Can I put you down for that again, or would you like to include a box or two of ....”


A customer says Girl Scout cookies are too expensive. How do you respond? 

Tell them to have a nice day, tell them they can make a donation instead, or explain that cookie sales help you do things like camping and earn badges


What is one cookie selling tip you would give someone who is new to selling?

Be confident, take a cookie list so customers know what is available, have your goal ready to share, share your hometown hero.
