Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Which angel approached Mary 

Angel Gabriel 


What does Deneha mean

sunrise or revelation 

How many days did Jesus fast in the wilderness

40 days 


What are the 4 gospels 

Mathew, Mark, Luke, John


What are the gifts that the 3 wise men from the east offered to infant Jesus 

Gold, Myrrh, Frankincense


What was revealed during the Baptism of Jesus 

Mystery of the Holy Trinity


What are the 3 things Jesus was tempted to misuse his divine powers for 

Luxury, Power and Wealth


At the start of Jesus public life he went to Nazareth. At Nazareth on sabbath day he went to a synagogue stood up to read and was handed a scroll from prophet ________



What song do we sing in the Holy Mass remembering the birth of Jesus (Bonus Points if you sing it)

"Glory to God in the highest and on Earth peace to those whom his favor rests" (Luke 2:14)


What are 2 other names for the feast of Deneha 




How do we overcome temptation and gain spiritual strength

Living in accordance with the Holy Word of God, a life of abstinence, fasting and prayer


What does Year acceptable to the Lord mean

One where debts are written off, mercy is shown to widows and orphans, the yoke of injustice and inequality are broken and there is no hatred or vengeance while everything is shared with the poor. 


Name 2 prophecies which brought hope among the Israelites about the coming of the savior?

1. "I will raise up for them a prophet like you, from among their own people" (Deut 18:18)

2. "A star shall come out of Jacob, and a scepter shall rise out of Israel" (Numbers 24:17)


What are the reasons for the name Pindi-kutthipperunnaal and Raakkulipperunnaal

Look in the book


What are the act of mercy we can perform

We the children of the church give special attention to acts of charity such as consoling those who are sorrowful, giving refuge to those who are helpless, nursing the sick and looking after orphans


What is the Kingdom of God

It is a condition wherein we live in a state of universal love, considering God as the father and all humanity as brothers and sisters. As such, we are inspired to share what we have. It is a community of people who live fulfilling the will of God


Name 3 salvific events commemorated during the annunciation and nativity 

Creation of humanity 

sin and its effects 

salvific interventions of God in the old Testament 

(look in the book for more)


What are the mysteries of salvation we celebrate during Deneha (5)

The Holy Trinity, The divine and human natures if Jesus, His son ship of God, His self-effacement (Kenosis), and the public life of Jesus


What are the 5 major fasts Syro-Malabar Catholics have

1. Ambathu nombu

2. Irupathanchu nombu

3. Pathinanchu nombu

4. Ettu nombu

5. Moonnnu nombu


What are the 5 important aspects of Jesus' mission

1. Good News to the Poor 

2. Liberation of those in Bondage 

3. Sight for the Blind

4. Freedom for the Oppressed

5. The Year Acceptable to the Lord 
