vine's roblox account, created in 2007, was first named this as its username
who is Eaglegaming679
twomad, a character featured in many memes, is shown in a video of him shirtless falling down saying this phrase.
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back in early 2019 as vine is added into ison noob, this roblox game was the meeting point of vine and mat.
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dboi, a member of ison noob, is a disliked figure of the community for this reason.
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for men peeing can be very hard in these conditions.
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the ethnicity of vine is this
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in this iconic meme, black people can be seen in a crowd completing a phrase connecting to farting.
what is "it smells like you farted farted"
this was the roblox game that flames and sparks met vine
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ison was the original member of ison noob. when his old account was banned the username that remained was this.
what is Dash Crew
during school, the period of physical education aka PE. teachers can be seen in this physical form.
what is fat PE teacher?
this color can often be used to represent vine
what is green
in the mike wazowski meme, a character in monsters inc, can be shown swapping faces with this character.
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what is Adopt Me
this food, originally made by vine, flames, zap, and dboi was used as a "bargain chip" for a short while. it then got implented in the game "A Strange Island" by flames.
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while walking in your house, this painful procedure can be delt to your feet by rounding a wall.
what is stubbing your toe against a corner of the wall.
the picture taken shows vine eating this
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one man can be shown close to its camera eating this burger
what is a Smokey barbeque bacon Buford burger
the game, natural disaster survival, was created in this year.
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mat joined ison noob in 03/26/2020 with his first message being this.
what is the phrase "my accent is very bad :frown:"
This annoying and painful injury can be caused by applying hand sanitizer on your skin.
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one vine's hated things, this iconic feline character appears in this show
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this meme spiked into popularity in mid 2020's. as it features an astronaut, many people find it contagious to say.
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this basic obby game, created in 8/8/2008, features a character in a cartoon that is known well in the middle school community and up. was made as a meme for the ison noob group.
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the image shown is taken on this date
when is 03/26/2020
Popular kids and regulars in schools are now copying this tiktok trend.
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