Convert 25% to a decimal
If 6% tax is collected. What is the sales tax on a $100 item
Your meal came to $36.00. You want to leave a 20% tip. How much money do you leave for the tip?
You a store owner, you purchase an item for $3.00 and you wish to resale them at a 40% mark-up. How much will you resale the item?
You are a store owner, the original cost of the item is $40.00. Today you are running a 25% off sale. How much is the item on sale?
Convert 130% to a decimal
If 8% tax is collected. What is the sales tax on a $88 item
Your meal came to $66.00. You want to leave a 20% tip. How much money do you leave for the tip?
You a store owner, you purchase an item for $13.00 and you wish to resale them at a 40% mark-up. How much will you resale the item?
You are a store owner, the original cost of the item is $80.00. Today you are running a 35% off sale. How much is the item on sale?
Convert 3% to a decimal
If 6% tax is collected. What is the sales tax on a $45.60 item rounded to the nearest Hundredth)
Your meal came to $55.65. You want to leave a 15% tip. How much money do you leave for the tip? (rounded to the nearest hundredth)
You a store owner, you purchase an item for $93.00 and you wish to resale them at a 60% mark-up. How much will you resale the item?
You are a store owner, the original cost of the item is $48.50 Today you are running a 25% off sale. How much is the item on sale? (rounded to the hundredth)
Convert 1.75% to a decimal
If 6.25% tax is collected. What is the sales tax on a $98.25 item (rounded to the nearest hundredth)
Your meal came to $85.65. You want to leave a 15% tip. How much money do you leave for the tip? (rounded to the nearest hundredth)
You a store owner, you purchase an item for $17.50 and you wish to resale them at a 65% mark-up. How much will you resale the item? (rounded to the nearest hundredth)
You are a store owner, the original cost of the item is $18.90 Today you are running a 25% off sale. How much is the item on sale? (rounded to the hundredth)
Convert 24.7% to a decimal
If .25% tax is collected. What is the sales tax on a $8.25 item (rounded to the nearest hundredth)
Your meal came to $86.66. You want to leave a 15% tip. How much money do you leave for the tip? (rounded to the nearest hundredth)
You a store owner, you purchase an item for $93.85 and you wish to resale them at a 55% mark-up. How much will you resale the item? (rounded to the nearest hundredth)
You are a store owner, the original cost of the item is $148.50 Today you are running a 45% off sale. How much is the item on sale? (rounded to the hundredth)