The place value of 3 in the decimal 24.367
What is the tenths place
Convert 3/100 to a percent
What is 3%
The definition of percent
What is "per one hundred"
What percent of 70 is 9?
59% of what is 23.6
The place value of 9 in the decimal 354.789
What is the thousandths place
Convert 5/10 to a percent
What is 50%
Write 30% as a simplified fraction and as a decimal.
What is .30 and 3/10
What is 8.07
12% of 0.65
What is 0.078
Convert .645 to a percent
What is 64.5%
Convert 3/8 to a decimal and percent
Convert 36% into a fraction
What is 36/100
A store buys a shirt for $15 and marks it up by 30%. Calculate the selling price.
What is $19.50
I paid $3.47 for my soda which included a 10% tip. What was the initial cost of my soda?
What is $3.10
Convert 5.6 to a fraction and a percent
What is 5 6/10 and 560%
Convert 4/5 to a decimal and percent.
What is .8 and 80%
Convert 5.83 into a percent
What is 583%
Concert tickets are $190 but you can get a 20% discount. How much will the tickets be with the discount?
What is $152
The case of pears cost $21.95 but I got 10% off. What did I pay?
What is $19.75
Convert .2 as a percent and a simplified fraction.
What is 1/5 and 20%
Convert 5 2/10 to a decimal and percent.
What is 520% and 5.20
Convert 2 3/5 into a percent.
What is 260%
The online book is $29.00 but the tax is 10% and shipping is another 25%. What is the final cost of the book with shipping and tax?
What is $39.15
Dinner at the restaurant is $52. The tax is 9% and you would like to leave a 10% tip. What is your total bill?
What is $67.08