Convert the fraction to a decimal 3/100
Convert the decimal to a percent 0.03
Find each percent change to the nearest percent. State if it is an increase or decrease.
From 74 miles to 54 miles
Equation: 74 - 54 = 20
20/74 = x/100
2000/74 = 27
27% decrease
Convert the decimal to a fraction 0.13
The store offers a 50% discount. The regular price of a T-shirt is $24. What is the discount price?
Equation: 24 * 0.5 = 12
24 - 12 = $12.00
Convert the fraction to a decimal 7/10
Convert the decimal to a percent 0.35
Find each percent change to the nearest percent. State if it is an increase or decrease.
From 28 tons to 35 tons
Equation: 35 - 28 = 7
7/28 = x/100
700/28 = 25
25% increase
Convert the decimal to a fraction 0.8
The store offers a 25% discount. The regular price of a sweatshirt is $24. What is the discount price?
Equation: 24 * 0.25 = 6
24 - 6= $18.00
Convert the fraction to a decimal 17/20
Convert the decimal to a percent 0.9
Find each percent change to the nearest percent. State if it is an increase or decrease.
From 26 miles to 75 miles
Equation: 75 - 26 = 49
49/26 = x/100
4900/26 = 188
188% increase
Convert the decimal to a fraction 0.25
Mary’s father is paying for a $30 meal. The sales tax is 7%. What is the total price of the meal, including the tax?
Equation: 30 * 0.07 = $2.10
$30 + $2.10 = $32.10
Convert the fraction to a decimal 11/25
Convert the decimal to a percent 1.14
Find each percent change to the nearest percent. State if it is an increase or decrease.
From 61 miles to 43 miles
Equation: 61 - 43 = 18
18/61= x/100
1800/61 = 30
30% decrease
Convert the decimal to a fraction 0.50
Fred's father is paying for a $45 meal. The sales tax is 7%. What is the total price of the meal, including the tax?
Equation: 45 * 0.07 = $3.150
$45+ $3.15 = $48.15
Convert the fraction to a decimal 5/8
Convert the decimal to a percent 1.62
Find each percent change to the nearest percent. State if it is an increase or decrease.
From 17 miles to 53 miles
Equation: 53 - 17 = 36
36/17= x/100
3600/17= 212
212% increase
Convert the decimal to a fraction 0.98
The store offers a 25% discount. The regular price of a sweatshirt is $28. The sales tax is 7%. What is the discount price, including the sales tax?
Equation: 28 * 0.25 = 7
28 - 7 = $21.00
21 * 0.07 = 1.47
$21 + $1.47 = $22.47