What is the ratio used for percents?
(Part)/(who l e )=%/100
A'vyon made 4 out 5 shots in practice. What is the percentage of shots that he made?
Dylan baked 20 cookies. 6 of the cookies were chocolate chip. What percentage of the cookies were chocolate chip?
What are we looking for part, whole, or percentage?
What is 25% of 100?
What is the ratio of blue circles to total circles?
Favor spelled 95% of the words on the spelling test correctly. If the test had a total of 20 questions, how many of the words did she spell correctly?
19 questions
35% of the 6th grade class turned in their homework. There are 21 kids in total? How many students turned in their homework?
What are we looking for part, whole or percent?
What percent of 30 is 15?
What is the ratio of white marbles to black marbles?
Heaven baked 100 muffins. Of all the muffins she baked, 40% were banana. How many banana muffins did Heaven baked?
Unique went to dinner for her birthday. The bill was $300. She tipped her waiter $50. What percentage of the bill was the tip?
What are we looking for part, whole or percent?
10 is what percent of 25?
How do you find the missing part in a ratio?
Cross multiply and divide
What percentage of the grid is shaded in?
Juan has a collection of marbles. In his collection 45% of the marbles are red. How many marbles does Juan have?
What are we looking for part, whole or percent?
What is 20% of 55?
What is the ratio of green diamonds to total shapes?
Write 7 to 10 as a fraction, decimal, and percent.
7/10, 0.70, 70%
Zaria used 13 lemons to make lemonade. This was 50% of the lemons she bought. How many lemons did she buy?
What are we looking for part, whole or percent?
What is 45% of 300?