What is 1/4 (25/100) as a percentage?
What is 27% as a simple fraction?
What is 10% of $40?
What is 2/5 (4/10) when written as a percentage?
What is 30% as a simple fraction?
30/100 or 3/10
What is 75% of 200kg?
How do you write 42.5% as a decimal?
What is 66/100 as a percentage ?
66 2/3 %
How do you write 12% as a fraction?
12/100 or 3/25
In a class of 24 students, 75% of them are present. What percentage are away? How many students are away?
25%. 6 students are away.
How do you write 150% as a decimal?
How do you write 3.7 as a percentage?
What is 105% as a fraction, mixed or improper?
1 1/20 or 105/100 or 21/20
What is 2.5% of $60?
What is 1/50 as a percentage?
What is 100% as a fraction?
100/100 or 1 whole
A DVD priced at $30 has a 20% discount applied. How much is the discount and what is the sale price?
Discount is $6 and sale price is $24